Husband has been having some Strange Behaviors since he started using steroids
his idiot fraternity Brothers got him involved in them a couple years ago after college. we met in college and all was well and he was using steroids and I was enjoying his high libido and all that other great stuff that came with it
but I will admit there are some downsides to him being on steroids. we had talked about having a threesome with one of us fraternity Brothers but I backed out before we were going to do it. I decided one day to go through his phone and I saw that he had been sending his Frat Boys a bunch of our sex videos
I told him that I was very hurt that he would be sending those kind of private videos to them. he came back and said I was being selfish and he had some needs and wanted to show them how proud he was of me.
Like i said the sex is great and otherwise things are great. But he has a screwed up head and has very uncomfortable relationships with his frat bros from college. I’m on the fence on what to do. . my question is… is this normal behavior for guys who are on steroids at 24 years old? or should I just go ahead and divorce him?