Starting a log after 4 weeks of 200mg Test Cyp TRT and around 10 weeks of Keto Diet.
I am 53 years old, 5'9" 295. I was an All American in high school swimming so I have the gift of a strong heart with ability to do high intensity training without giving up. Going to get back into the pool to increase my fat loss and get in better health when my shoulder gets better. Have extremely large amount of internal fat which possibly help cause my hernia. Doc said dont worry about hernia unless it pokes through. Says insurance wont cover as its cosmetic. I also started taking 200mg EQ weeks 1-4 and am now going 100mg for the next couple weeks and then stopping 3 weeks before my bloodwork. Currently eating 2 meals per day with aprox 2000 cals per day on keto. Fasting for 18 hours per day. Carb loading every other weekend to increase lean muscle mass.
Monday was depletion workout to get body back into ketosis so it was lighter and not to failure.
Hammer Rows 3 sets warmup 1 plt, 2 plt, 3 plt
4 plt X 10 reps, 4 plt X 12 reps
Underhand supported seated rows 175 X 12 reps, 175 X 15 reps
Close grip cable pulldowns 200 X 10 Reps, 175 X 10 reps
Standing Shrug Machine 4plts X 20 Reps X 2
Bent over reverse dumbells 20 lbs X 12 reps X 2
Seated squat machine Warmup 3 plt, 4 plt, 6 plt
7plt per side x 12, 7plt x 15
Stiff legged deadlift 225 x 12 x 3
Leg ext 150 x 15 x 2
Seated calf 45 x 15, 70 x 10
Incline Hammer 90 x 20, 180 x 10 x 2
Seated Tricep Ext 120 x 20, 140 x 15
Seated bicep machine 90 x 15, 140 x 10
Plank for 1 min
Elipitcal interneval up to 1 minutes sprints at 12 incline 12 tension for 15 minutes total. 1-2 minutes of easy 8 on incline and tension to recover heart rate to 130.
Example food for the week pretty much is the same everyday.
Meal 1 6:30 AM 4 eggs, 3 oz steak, I slice Franz Keto White bread
Post workout 15 grams glutamine in parking lot of gym.
Meal 2 1 P.M 2X Plain Greek Yougurt, 15 grams fishoil 6900MG EPA,3100 DHA 10 oz bag spinach
Meal 3 5 P.M Homemade vegetable beef soup made with new york steak, carrots, green onion, celery. Big bowel. 1 slice Keto bread, 5 grams fishoil.
Meal 4 8:30 P.M. 8 oz ribeye steak, asparagus, 1 slice keto bread. 3 grams fishoil.
Nature Valley extra strength probiotics, Omega 3 fish oil, psyllium whole husks, Inulin, NAC, Dandelion Root, Artichoke, Milk Thistle, Digestive Enzymes, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Aspirin, Zinc, Vit C, and a multi vitamin everyday.
I am 53 years old, 5'9" 295. I was an All American in high school swimming so I have the gift of a strong heart with ability to do high intensity training without giving up. Going to get back into the pool to increase my fat loss and get in better health when my shoulder gets better. Have extremely large amount of internal fat which possibly help cause my hernia. Doc said dont worry about hernia unless it pokes through. Says insurance wont cover as its cosmetic. I also started taking 200mg EQ weeks 1-4 and am now going 100mg for the next couple weeks and then stopping 3 weeks before my bloodwork. Currently eating 2 meals per day with aprox 2000 cals per day on keto. Fasting for 18 hours per day. Carb loading every other weekend to increase lean muscle mass.
Monday was depletion workout to get body back into ketosis so it was lighter and not to failure.
Hammer Rows 3 sets warmup 1 plt, 2 plt, 3 plt
4 plt X 10 reps, 4 plt X 12 reps
Underhand supported seated rows 175 X 12 reps, 175 X 15 reps
Close grip cable pulldowns 200 X 10 Reps, 175 X 10 reps
Standing Shrug Machine 4plts X 20 Reps X 2
Bent over reverse dumbells 20 lbs X 12 reps X 2
Seated squat machine Warmup 3 plt, 4 plt, 6 plt
7plt per side x 12, 7plt x 15
Stiff legged deadlift 225 x 12 x 3
Leg ext 150 x 15 x 2
Seated calf 45 x 15, 70 x 10
Incline Hammer 90 x 20, 180 x 10 x 2
Seated Tricep Ext 120 x 20, 140 x 15
Seated bicep machine 90 x 15, 140 x 10
Plank for 1 min
Elipitcal interneval up to 1 minutes sprints at 12 incline 12 tension for 15 minutes total. 1-2 minutes of easy 8 on incline and tension to recover heart rate to 130.
Example food for the week pretty much is the same everyday.
Meal 1 6:30 AM 4 eggs, 3 oz steak, I slice Franz Keto White bread
Post workout 15 grams glutamine in parking lot of gym.
Meal 2 1 P.M 2X Plain Greek Yougurt, 15 grams fishoil 6900MG EPA,3100 DHA 10 oz bag spinach
Meal 3 5 P.M Homemade vegetable beef soup made with new york steak, carrots, green onion, celery. Big bowel. 1 slice Keto bread, 5 grams fishoil.
Meal 4 8:30 P.M. 8 oz ribeye steak, asparagus, 1 slice keto bread. 3 grams fishoil.
Nature Valley extra strength probiotics, Omega 3 fish oil, psyllium whole husks, Inulin, NAC, Dandelion Root, Artichoke, Milk Thistle, Digestive Enzymes, Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Aspirin, Zinc, Vit C, and a multi vitamin everyday.