This log will detail my offseason growth period leading into contest prep late this year. Show will be Mr.Buffalo. Currently 48 weeks out
The goal of this bulk will be to put on as much size as I can while staying somewhat lean. It will be approx 20 weeks. Will then take 8 weeks off and begin prep at 20 weeks out.]
Will be continuing to follow John Meadows reactive pump program for the next 7 weeks then will either run it again or run a different Meadows program. I seem to respond well to his style of training.
Starting weight is 204.5 this morning.
Starting macros will be 250p/250c/35f
You all know what i eat and that will stay the same. Sample day below.
Meal1-1c egg whites/1 slice non fat cheese/6 slices turkey bacon/2 slices Ezekiel toast
Meal2- 5oz chicken breast/150g rice
Meal3- 5oz chicken breast/150g rice
Meal4- Post WO shake + 9g glutamine
Meal5- 1c egg whites/1 slice non fat cheese/6 slices turkey bacon/2 slices Ezekiel toast
Meal6- 1.5c mixed frozen barriers/1c non-fat Greek yogurt/30g oatmeal
Cycle will be as follows: Gear from Para Pharma and IGF from Umbrella labs
1,000mg/wk Test E
600mg/wk Deca
100mcg IGF1-LR3 4weeks on/2weeks off
4iu HGH daily post WO
40mg anadrol daily wks 7-10/13-16
40mcg IGF1-DES daily post WO wks 7-10/13-16
12.5mg Aromison daily
50mg Proviron daily
Other Supps/Meds
12g fish oil daily
15g fiber daily on top of food fiber
5mg Cialis daily
Amlodipine/Benazepril 10/20mg daily
7 caps N2Guard daily/10 caps during weeks with Anadrol
1000mg Citrus Bergamot daily
Daily greens
15g glutamine post WO
2,000mg L-Carnitine pre-WO
1/2tsp Celtic sea salt pre WO
The goal of this bulk will be to put on as much size as I can while staying somewhat lean. It will be approx 20 weeks. Will then take 8 weeks off and begin prep at 20 weeks out.]
Will be continuing to follow John Meadows reactive pump program for the next 7 weeks then will either run it again or run a different Meadows program. I seem to respond well to his style of training.
Starting weight is 204.5 this morning.
Starting macros will be 250p/250c/35f
You all know what i eat and that will stay the same. Sample day below.
Meal1-1c egg whites/1 slice non fat cheese/6 slices turkey bacon/2 slices Ezekiel toast
Meal2- 5oz chicken breast/150g rice
Meal3- 5oz chicken breast/150g rice
Meal4- Post WO shake + 9g glutamine
Meal5- 1c egg whites/1 slice non fat cheese/6 slices turkey bacon/2 slices Ezekiel toast
Meal6- 1.5c mixed frozen barriers/1c non-fat Greek yogurt/30g oatmeal
Cycle will be as follows: Gear from Para Pharma and IGF from Umbrella labs
1,000mg/wk Test E
600mg/wk Deca
100mcg IGF1-LR3 4weeks on/2weeks off
4iu HGH daily post WO
40mg anadrol daily wks 7-10/13-16
40mcg IGF1-DES daily post WO wks 7-10/13-16
12.5mg Aromison daily
50mg Proviron daily
Other Supps/Meds
12g fish oil daily
15g fiber daily on top of food fiber
5mg Cialis daily
Amlodipine/Benazepril 10/20mg daily
7 caps N2Guard daily/10 caps during weeks with Anadrol
1000mg Citrus Bergamot daily
Daily greens
15g glutamine post WO
2,000mg L-Carnitine pre-WO
1/2tsp Celtic sea salt pre WO