New member
Hey guys, I started what I would consider my first real cycle today and I'm going to log it.
A little background info, I have never used any aas or prohormones, I have only used SARMS 1 time. Last September, I took a break from working out and eating right, the entire shebang. My fiance was 8 months pregnant and I had my first son in Novemeber. I finally decided in February it was time to get back to it. When I quit lifting in September I was 250 ~12%, in February I had put quite a bit of weight on and I was 268 ~18-20%. I went on a very successful recomp from February to the end of April. During that time I went from 268 18-20% to 258 13-15%. Since then I have increased my calories and been training very hard, waiting for this day to come to start this cycle.
Currently I am
Training off and on for 14 years
1-8 LGD 10mg ED
1-8 S4 100mg ED
1-8 GW 20mg ED
3-8 Liquidex AI 2ml ED
3-8 Taurine 5-10g ED
3-4 Oxandrovar 2 caps ED
4-8 Oxandrovar 3 caps ED
3-8 Trenavar 60mg split am/pm
5-8 HCGenerate 7 caps
1-12 N2Guard 4 caps
1-12 Tudca 1 Gram/day
1-12 NAC Not sure on how much
9-12 Clomid 50/50/25/25
9-12 Nolva 40/40/20/20
9-12 Aromasin 15mg EOD
9-12 Ostarine 25mg ED
9-12 Test Stack 17
1-12 Creatine
1-12 BCAAs
1-12 MSM powder
1-12 ZMA
3. Minimize bf, possibly lose some
I already know, I'm fat compared to most of everyone around here's standards. I'm not a competitive bodybuilder, it's just my hobby and something I enjoy very much. I have been natural my entire life besides your standard creatine, BCAAs and such. My ultimate goal for this cycle is strength and more strength. With that will also obviously come more size. The key to this cycle being successful will be me getting much stronger and bigger with keeping body fat completely at bay. Following this cycle I will be going on a nice cut followed by a long recomp. For this cycle I will be eating 4500-5000 calories a day and training 4 days a week. I should also add, my workout partner will be running Ostarine along side of me.
I think I got everything, if there is any questions just ask; hopefully, this will be a good ride. Today was my off day from the gym but I started the LGD/S4/N2Guard; I started the GW 2 weeks ago.
A little background info, I have never used any aas or prohormones, I have only used SARMS 1 time. Last September, I took a break from working out and eating right, the entire shebang. My fiance was 8 months pregnant and I had my first son in Novemeber. I finally decided in February it was time to get back to it. When I quit lifting in September I was 250 ~12%, in February I had put quite a bit of weight on and I was 268 ~18-20%. I went on a very successful recomp from February to the end of April. During that time I went from 268 18-20% to 258 13-15%. Since then I have increased my calories and been training very hard, waiting for this day to come to start this cycle.
Currently I am
Training off and on for 14 years
1-8 LGD 10mg ED
1-8 S4 100mg ED
1-8 GW 20mg ED
3-8 Liquidex AI 2ml ED
3-8 Taurine 5-10g ED
3-4 Oxandrovar 2 caps ED
4-8 Oxandrovar 3 caps ED
3-8 Trenavar 60mg split am/pm
5-8 HCGenerate 7 caps
1-12 N2Guard 4 caps
1-12 Tudca 1 Gram/day
1-12 NAC Not sure on how much
9-12 Clomid 50/50/25/25
9-12 Nolva 40/40/20/20
9-12 Aromasin 15mg EOD
9-12 Ostarine 25mg ED
9-12 Test Stack 17
1-12 Creatine
1-12 BCAAs
1-12 MSM powder
1-12 ZMA
3. Minimize bf, possibly lose some
I already know, I'm fat compared to most of everyone around here's standards. I'm not a competitive bodybuilder, it's just my hobby and something I enjoy very much. I have been natural my entire life besides your standard creatine, BCAAs and such. My ultimate goal for this cycle is strength and more strength. With that will also obviously come more size. The key to this cycle being successful will be me getting much stronger and bigger with keeping body fat completely at bay. Following this cycle I will be going on a nice cut followed by a long recomp. For this cycle I will be eating 4500-5000 calories a day and training 4 days a week. I should also add, my workout partner will be running Ostarine along side of me.
I think I got everything, if there is any questions just ask; hopefully, this will be a good ride. Today was my off day from the gym but I started the LGD/S4/N2Guard; I started the GW 2 weeks ago.