hey guys,
interested on some feedback on my planned cycle of MK2866 and S4
week 1-14 MK2866 25mg ed
week 7-15 S4 30-70mg (tapered up) split 3xed
week 14-16 nolvadex 20mg ed
week 16-18 nolvadex 10mg ed
got an AI on hand as im gyno prone but wont use if not needed.
main question is, is this too long to run MK2866? and is my PCT of nolva only sufficient?
also i will be lean bulking about 200 calories above maintenance and training 6 days a week with 1-2 LISS cardio sessions (i am naturally active so cardio is not a problem)
5 7
175lbs (9% bf)
training 4 years
never used sarms or AAS
any feedback is appreciated!
interested on some feedback on my planned cycle of MK2866 and S4
week 1-14 MK2866 25mg ed
week 7-15 S4 30-70mg (tapered up) split 3xed
week 14-16 nolvadex 20mg ed
week 16-18 nolvadex 10mg ed
got an AI on hand as im gyno prone but wont use if not needed.
main question is, is this too long to run MK2866? and is my PCT of nolva only sufficient?
also i will be lean bulking about 200 calories above maintenance and training 6 days a week with 1-2 LISS cardio sessions (i am naturally active so cardio is not a problem)
5 7
175lbs (9% bf)
training 4 years
never used sarms or AAS
any feedback is appreciated!