Let's start at the top. I'm not, as we Brits say, going to go into the ins and outs of a dogs arse. You seem to be under the impression I (and anyone else advising you) have bucket loads of time to sit here, for free, telling you what to do all day long. It's also the weekend, we have jobs, family and social lives. So you'll have to excuse us if we don't instantly type out back stories.
Now you seem like an intelligent lad yet are wasting time arguing with us as though, should you somehow score some imaginary win, we'll come round to your way of thinking and give what amounts to a nod for you to go ahead and screw yourself up. Plus, and here's a thought, you could always search both on this forum and online for the 'why it's a bad idea to take steroids before you're full matured'. I'll address that shortly.
I mentioned, quite clearly above, that one mod is 'an older guy'. Hence, as with other older guys, it's not at all uncommon for their natural test levels (in fact it happens to ALL guys only some more than others) to get lower as they get older. You know this right?? The flip side, then, is also true. When you're younger and not fully matured, yours will be lower but get better (go up) as you age. Right up, in a healthy guy with a good diet and working out / staying fit to as high as around 40 (average guys is earlier) before it falls off. If you look at what docs consider full maturity it's thus:
1) Full height (or near to it) is between 18-25. So you're not yet at your maximum full height. You may be very close.
2) Physical maturity (height, weight, muscle size, balls working flat out etc): around age 25. So 7 years then. Right about the time when guys think about marrying (and having kids)
3) Max strength (in untrained men) around 30-35. Funnily enough also when you're likely to be at the peak of your career professionally speaking.
Oh and your comment about not seeing the world through your eyes... so fkin what. Firstly we've all been 18. That's EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THOSE REPLYING. Secondly, you're not seeing the world through our eyes, with our knowledge and our experience.
Now the gamble, as already mentioned, has NOTHING to do with PCT. We know (heck I think you even agree) roids stop production on cycle. We also know (ditto) PCT gives what's termed a soft landing and helps boost (no such thing as restarting it) whatever you're producing post cycle back to or about natural levels. However, in the young (so 18 then) you can stop it all together. Let's say you started a nice 12 week cycle today. PCT or not by the 9th September you'd be rolling the dice, crossing your fingers and saying hail fkin Mary that you're not screwed.
Here's a Brucie Bonus for you (look that up ha ha): The advantage of our age is we know that you can, if you so wish, by all means do a cycle when you're 25. And, if you're proper hardcore, make a SHIT load of gains between now and then. Heck, just based on averages (like all the numbers above) you'll be anything from 14 pounds (2 a year) to 35lbs (5 a year) heavier WITHOUT A SINGLE ROID. There's NOTHING to stop you training right up until they nail the fkin coffin lid on. As per the saying.... it's not a race it's a marathon. So pace yourself. Go without gear for a bit. Grow naturally and if you must then use when it's the right time.
- - - Updated - - -
I also did the search you might have done (from Labrada-dot-com): Why Teenagers Should Stay Away From Steroids
Many teenagers do not know exactly how high their natural testosterone production can be. It ranges anywhere from 800 to 1300 ng/dl. This is literally the equivalent of taking a 300mg shot of testosterone (steroids) on a weekly basis. Many times adults get on them through Doctor’s supervision because their natural testosterone production is low. This is what is called Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT). At a teenager’s age there is not a need to do so as it is very easy to increase size and strength naturally with a good diet and training routine. So many times I hear teens talking about what they want to take or have already done so. What they do not realize is that by using steroids at a young age it will kill your natural testosterone production. This means that when they grow older they will be forced to use them to have a normal testosterone level or they will have a naturally low testosterone. This also means they will not feel as good as they normally would and often not have the stamina that they should have.
I cant marry, im not enough serious.

So, if i wait 7 years, then i will be able to make crazy steroid cycles and becone big as a house without getting damage on the ednocryne system, and i wont become infertily?