That's the problem I found, a sarms course ie: triple stack is 3-4 times the price of anavar. I would pay that price with the peace of mind of no issues (virilisation) is not my may concern as I would not take enough of VAR for that, but any other health issues I would like to minimise.
Problem is/was I could not find one thread of a before and after cycle for women. Only hundreds of people saying they work, Wether or not those people have a vested interest in promoting SARMS, it looks possible.
As I said if a SARM company wants to provide me a triple stack, I will do a non biased, honest review
Women will pay 3 times the price for a safe, effective product, but no proof can be found to support the claims.
sister....a few problems...sure sarms aren't cheap...but you're saying you will save money on your health and well being? maybe then save up a bit for some time, then run a cycle...i guarantee you, you will get virilization side effects from steroids...meaning, eventually you'll grow an adams apple, have a deeper voice (noticeable), growth of the clitoris (where its hanging in a bad way), hair on face and body, and even smaller breasts...look i realize we all take the risks we take, and the risk is up to you...and fyi, there is 100,000s of sarms users and thousands of women users, you just have to look....we have tons of women constantly on evo discussing sarms, steroids and much more: we have a vested interested? hell yea we do sister...we do promote sarms1, thats clear, nothing to hide there...why? because they are the best and provide steady, quality products and you get what you pay for...tried and tested by over 80,000 people....including thousands of females...there is a ton of proof, its in the pudding...but im sure you'll ignore that because it's convenient...i understand sister...but keep this in mind...there is a good chance, over 80% that the anavar a female uses is either winstrol or many cases it's dianabol...dbol is going to turn a women into a man VERY you do the risk-return math here...80% chance of looking like a guy with steroids, or 0% chance with real SARMS...thats how i see it...
and to top if off...anavar also has sides...long term anavar use gives nasty man-like side effects, just as any steroid would...remember, men and women are what guys BS about here isnt the same for females...
with all that said...shit im the last one to cast stones...we are on a steroid forum after all....i am genuinely worried about our evo sisters using steroids because ive seen what they can do to women...if you want to use steroids, thats your call and good luck...i truly hope they are legit and you dont get the live long side effects the end what you do is up to you...i believe in choice...everyone has a choice...whether to ruin their life and look back in 20 years regretting looking like a man...or make the right choices now and live a happy, healthy life...