Hey all, newbie here, though ive been reading through forums extensively trying to find info on UGLs that are safe to order from. Figured id finally sign up and ask questions directly. I apologize ahead of time if ive somehow broken any rules by asking the following questions, but this seemed like the place.to do it, so here we go. First qiesruon. Been ordering from candain steroids online for last cpl yrs and picking up thier Olympia Gold products. Anyone used or have any info on them?? 2nd question, ive used canada peds also to get Syn Pharma products bcuz ive read nothing but good things about them (Syn that is) but have since read BAD things about canada peds. Can anyone vouch for canada peds, or, vice versa, bash the shit out em? Quesrion 3. Recently cane across Synpharmacanada.ca and noticed that the website had been down for a while, but is back up and running. Is there a reason for this?? Are they stll legit?? Also, do you recommend ordering SARMS through them?? Anything you guys could help me with would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!! thanks in advance......