@ThatBeardedGuy crunch is a good gym but really nothing beats a home gym like @Mobster has, but even he goes to powerhouseLOG ENTRY 5:
Man I knocked out after the gym. Yesterday honestly was probably one of the worst performances in the gym too, cut short because gym partner had to go and he drove me to gym. ( first time that happened) Just absolutely drained yesterday. Didn’t eat that well either imo. Still got a decent pump though at the gym. Got an extra hour of sleep and I feel much better today.
Scale weight in AM 285
At 4pm before I eat 283
Before bed 287
Yesterday’s Food:
5pm Chicken Scarperielle
(1160 cal, 43gfat, 29g carb, 136g protein)
7pm everything bagel seasoned pan seared tuna 12oz
( 375cal, Fat 3g, Carb 0g Protein 80g)
Double scoop of protein powder with water (ran out of almond milk)
(340 cal, 5g fat, 16g carb, 60g protein.)
1875 cal
51g fat
45g carb
274g protein
I’ll post pics of food soon. I keep forgetting to take pics before I devour it.
Yesterday Gym session:
5 min treadmill on 3mph
dumbbell curls
20lbs 8 reps each arm
35lb 4 sets of 8 reps per arm
Barbell curls
50lbs 5x8 (biggest they got is 60lb and gym was packed)
Triceps pull downs
60lbs 8 reps
80lbs 3x8
100lbs 8 reps
Triceps push down
180 12 reps
265 3x12
Ab machine
180 24 reps
247.5 3x12
22 mins treadmill 12% incline 3mph
I got a free 3 day pass to crunch so I was gunna check that gym out next week. Need more free weights
i think you can do more planks for abs close it tight on abs