I scheduled a blood test but it’s not for almost a month as I have to go out of state for it. None of the discount sites are available in NY so I have to drive to CT to do it. I refuse to pay $200 for a test I can get for $67 if I’m willing to drive 15 miles. I am going to push back the start of my cycle 2 weeks so that the blood test coincides with the 4 week mark of the cycle.
Going to run 200mg test and 300 primo to start. Will adjust based on how I feel and what the bloods say. Debating whether or not to take an AI proactively or waiting for the bloods.
Thanks to everyone who shared their knowledge and opinions. This community is the best.
Going to run 200mg test and 300 primo to start. Will adjust based on how I feel and what the bloods say. Debating whether or not to take an AI proactively or waiting for the bloods.
Thanks to everyone who shared their knowledge and opinions. This community is the best.