I am interested in doing a 12 week bulk cycle with test and tren and maybe an oral to kickstart it.
Previous cycle:
Test C + oxymethalone
Age - 31
182 lbs - 18% bf
14 years off and on at the gym - now have a half rack at home.
Currently doing carb cycling diet to lean up a little before my 12 week bulk.
I will be getting liquid dostinex to help with prolactin. Also aromasin.
Will be following perfect pct protocal - still gathering/ordering everything and i am not starting cycle until i have all components.
So my plan is:
Test E 400-500 a week 1-12
Tren E 500 s week 1-12
Maybe add an oral?
Any ideas as to a good oral to add for kickstart? I have anadrol on hand but not sure if i should change out for a different oral or run no oral at all.
Will be ordering from roidmass. Open to any criticism or ideas for what i could or should add/remove.
Previous cycle:
Test C + oxymethalone
Age - 31
182 lbs - 18% bf
14 years off and on at the gym - now have a half rack at home.
Currently doing carb cycling diet to lean up a little before my 12 week bulk.
I will be getting liquid dostinex to help with prolactin. Also aromasin.
Will be following perfect pct protocal - still gathering/ordering everything and i am not starting cycle until i have all components.
So my plan is:
Test E 400-500 a week 1-12
Tren E 500 s week 1-12
Maybe add an oral?
Any ideas as to a good oral to add for kickstart? I have anadrol on hand but not sure if i should change out for a different oral or run no oral at all.
Will be ordering from roidmass. Open to any criticism or ideas for what i could or should add/remove.