Starting a log to keep myself accountable and share my journey - Probably younger than most of the boys on here so I'm sure there's heaps of wisdom to go around.
Training/PED Backround
fucked around with sarms (LGD-4033 for 6 weeks) and gave myself secondary hypogonadism at the age of 17, after clomid monotherapy plus lifestyle and diet interventions I was prescribed TRT at 125mg of enanthate per week at the age of 18.
Figured that since I was already pinning, I'd run a 16 week cycle of 300mg testosterone. Added in 250 mast @ the 8th week and used anavar @20mg daily for the last 4 weeks. Ended up running this for 20 weeks as my bloods were near perfect the duration of the cycle, went from 84kg @14% to 94kg then ran a cruise at my original TRT dose where I dieted down to the state that is shown in pictures below.
This brings me to my current cycle. The plan is the following:
400 Test (W1-16)
360 Mast (W1-16)
200 NPP (W1-16)
25mg Anadrol (W1-4)
Not using any labs from this board, whole cycle is from Shelby before he got busted. Will definitely hop on one of the aussie vendors for my next cycle.
Goal is to put on as much lean mass as possible, not too worried about fat gain, I'll just diet it off during my next cruse. Would especially love to bring up my arms, they've always been a weak point.
6 days weekly, occasionally may end up as 5 since I am a full-time student + work 20-30 hours a week.
Generally aim for 12-20 sets per muscle per week.
Day 1: Chest + Back
Day 2: Arms
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Rest
3360 Calories.
Mainly consisting of clean carbs (rice, oatmeal) with some form of protein (chicken, beef or whey) with the occasional dirty meal thrown in on low-appetite days. Healthy fats coming mainly from olive oil.
1-3 scoops Warrior Pre-Workout courtesy of
5g creatine
4.5g fish oil
3g taurine
25mg zinc
1x multivitamin
10000iu Vit D3
50mg P5P
250mg TUCDA
550mg NAC
750mg Milk Thistle
Only running the last 3 for the duration that I will be using anadrol.
Don't mind the disappearing face - Am a magician
Current physique:
Training/PED Backround
fucked around with sarms (LGD-4033 for 6 weeks) and gave myself secondary hypogonadism at the age of 17, after clomid monotherapy plus lifestyle and diet interventions I was prescribed TRT at 125mg of enanthate per week at the age of 18.
Figured that since I was already pinning, I'd run a 16 week cycle of 300mg testosterone. Added in 250 mast @ the 8th week and used anavar @20mg daily for the last 4 weeks. Ended up running this for 20 weeks as my bloods were near perfect the duration of the cycle, went from 84kg @14% to 94kg then ran a cruise at my original TRT dose where I dieted down to the state that is shown in pictures below.
This brings me to my current cycle. The plan is the following:
400 Test (W1-16)
360 Mast (W1-16)
200 NPP (W1-16)
25mg Anadrol (W1-4)
Not using any labs from this board, whole cycle is from Shelby before he got busted. Will definitely hop on one of the aussie vendors for my next cycle.
Goal is to put on as much lean mass as possible, not too worried about fat gain, I'll just diet it off during my next cruse. Would especially love to bring up my arms, they've always been a weak point.
6 days weekly, occasionally may end up as 5 since I am a full-time student + work 20-30 hours a week.
Generally aim for 12-20 sets per muscle per week.
Day 1: Chest + Back
Day 2: Arms
Day 3: Legs
Day 4: Rest
3360 Calories.
Mainly consisting of clean carbs (rice, oatmeal) with some form of protein (chicken, beef or whey) with the occasional dirty meal thrown in on low-appetite days. Healthy fats coming mainly from olive oil.
1-3 scoops Warrior Pre-Workout courtesy of
5g creatine
4.5g fish oil
3g taurine
25mg zinc
1x multivitamin
10000iu Vit D3
50mg P5P
250mg TUCDA
550mg NAC
750mg Milk Thistle
Only running the last 3 for the duration that I will be using anadrol.
Don't mind the disappearing face - Am a magician
Current physique: