Lat pull down, not quite as wide as most due to shoulder - 77 - 66kg, 4 sets 10-12 reps
Tbar row machine - 4 sets
Cable row dd handle - 4 sets, 66 - 59kg
Shrugs Smith machine - 4 sets 80kg
Rear delts on pec deck - 4 sets 25 - 20kg (this machine is different. A little weight is alot.)
Standing single arm bicep cable curls - 3 sets 18 - 12 kg
Cable hammer curls 8 reps into another 8 utilising rear delts - 3 sets
Barbell curls - 30 - 20kg
Diet was similar to the day before, maybe a little better, but more to the point I've done some meal prep, so tomorrow will be a different story

I can't go as plain as some of you, but I think what I've done is ok. Let me know if I've done anything I really shouldn't have.
I haven't got any macros to give you guys but,
3kg of lean mince, 3 cups of rice and 2 cups of frozen veggies went into the beef meals in the pics. A dash of curry powder, and dash of flour to thicken.
1.5kg of chicken breast, 1.5 cups of rice, and 2 cups of veggies went into the 4 chicken meals. And these two sachets in the pics. My mum gave them to my wife a while back when she was doing keto.
Nips are still pretty spicy. Any insite on when the 40mg nolva ed will show its work would be appreciated. Thanks everyone.