I was wondering why I wasn’t getting any updates from your log bro thought I would check in and seen your update, I hope your feeling better
would say it’s the cold change in whether that we been experiencing in Aus lately brother. If you can I recommend adding zinc to your stack works in sync with vitamin C to help boost immunity and clear things quicker
Drink plenty of fluids, hot drinks and teas, lots of hot showers and you will probably benefit heaps from a saline sinus rinse kit if you can tolerate it, this is the one I use really helps to clear the sinuses. Try doing 1 full bottle rinse per nostril 2 times a day one when you get up and another before bed.
You can buy the sinus rinse kit from chemist warehouse cheap this is the one I use:
And if the infection has spread to your chest antibiotics will help clear it.
How’s it going now brother are you feeling any better?