First cycle powered by Test E from the impeccable Silver back labs
First time logging so point out if I miss anything but been training for only 6 months now. So fairly new to the game was disgustingly unweight at 67kgs am now sitting at 90kgs so the progress is defiantly there,
Training day in a day out with mostly intuition in regards to what and how to train
But have mostly been splitting my week lately into
Monday = Arms/ shoulders
Tuesday =Legs
Thursday =back
Friday =Arms
Sat = rest
Sunday =Arms
Still have a long way to go and will keep up dates with the progress
Eating minimum 3 times up to 6 meals a day
And with a strong boost with silverback behind me nothing seems to be out of reach strength endurance libdo all through the roof
Stay active Men,,, will keep updates
Have my before and after pics Attached.