his cycle is heavy and very toxic. There’s no two ways about it. Anadrol, tren, dbol - this can destroy your liver and kidneys, even blood work won’t be enough and I would suggest you to get organ imaging. He’s running a lot of compounds that are mineral retentive. Telmisartan will do fuck all in this case as your angiotensin 2 is constantly activated by RAAS, your kidneys are having an extremely hard time with the cycle. Being 135kg also doesn’t help the heart and the work it’s put under just to flog your self around daily. @Snayaz@Snayaz thats generally not a good sign. Might have some issues with kidneys.
I found when BP meds dont work, there are other issues including kidneys and heart that could be involved.
@AE1079 @Pigsy share your views.
I would go sports TRT+ and monitor your situation more, seems hard to say where you are as we don't know your food intake. I've seen 1000 grams of carbs which makes no sense unless you're stepping on stage, with that kind of off intake, all sorts of sides will crop up, even without the gear.
I get your want to be huge and big, I suggest your re consider your look. We have no pictures of you either, so hard to tell what you actually look like. If you can please post some.
You can fix a lot these issues just by dropping Anadrol, dbol, tren, insulin.
Leverage HGH more, primo and even masteron. Get drier in the process to reduce total weight load on the body and improve kidney function. Stay away from being too anemic as blood viscosity will drive up BP and platelet count.
Shift towards building lean tissue, instead of water, glycogen and minerals being hypercompensated. You will save your health bro. I will also suggest you get organ imaging as I’ll tell you now blood work won’t be enough here with the type of cycle, weight, and diet your on currently