Todays log
Shoulders/triceps/hiit cardio
Side note, I feel lethargic and weak after training. I took a shot of test 400 thinking it was 250 bottle and it’s just made me feel this way. (Normal for me with higher mg test)
1: panatta shoulder press
3 sets 60kg/12 80kg/10 100kg/7
(This machine is very challenging fml but felt so good)
2 arsenal machine side lateral
3 sets can’t give numbers cause I didn’t really look but did the whole stack last set with e drop set
3 reverse pec deck
3 sets 75kg/15 92kg/12 112kg/10
4 Upright row
2 sets 80kg/10 80kg/9
5 front delt cable raise
2 sets 20kg/15reps
1 Dips
5 sets
3 sets body weight with 15 reps and 2 sets with 20kg strapped to me for 10reps
2 cable overhead unilateral raise
3 sets 12.5kg for 15reps every set
(It’s like your taking swords from behind your head, I don’t go too heavy bur the feel and pump was unreal)
3: v bar press down
3 sets half stack/15 full stack/12
I’m sore as so I’m skipping work today to just rest and eat. This feeling will go away tomorro morning. Side note my back training has demolished my lats and back as they are sore as.
Shoulders/triceps/hiit cardio
Side note, I feel lethargic and weak after training. I took a shot of test 400 thinking it was 250 bottle and it’s just made me feel this way. (Normal for me with higher mg test)
1: panatta shoulder press
3 sets 60kg/12 80kg/10 100kg/7
(This machine is very challenging fml but felt so good)
2 arsenal machine side lateral
3 sets can’t give numbers cause I didn’t really look but did the whole stack last set with e drop set
3 reverse pec deck
3 sets 75kg/15 92kg/12 112kg/10
4 Upright row
2 sets 80kg/10 80kg/9
5 front delt cable raise
2 sets 20kg/15reps
1 Dips
5 sets
3 sets body weight with 15 reps and 2 sets with 20kg strapped to me for 10reps
2 cable overhead unilateral raise
3 sets 12.5kg for 15reps every set
(It’s like your taking swords from behind your head, I don’t go too heavy bur the feel and pump was unreal)
3: v bar press down
3 sets half stack/15 full stack/12
I’m sore as so I’m skipping work today to just rest and eat. This feeling will go away tomorro morning. Side note my back training has demolished my lats and back as they are sore as.