Been on doctor monitored trt for a couple years now, gel based, and it works fine. But honestly I get tired of having to go through all the constant monitoring and health insurance pre approval crap and co pays and fluctuating out of pocket after insurance etc. Are there any legit sources where I can just order it? Frankly, even paying cash it would probably be equal to less than dealing with pharmacy/insurance. I'd be looking for the 1.62 percent pump bottles if available but I'd take packets too. Maybe someday I'll just design my own injection protocol but I don't want that headache yet either. Thx
Yeah I've thought about it and at some point I might go that route, but when I suddenly drop off of the doctor stuff to do my own thing, if I then I try to go back to doctor monitored somehow I suspect I might have issues getting the doctor to just pick up a protocol day 1 without me having to get new baseline readings for insurance approval. I HAVE actually injected myself with things in the past, just with other things and not for TRT (PT 141 is amazing for boners and staying tan. Seriously, rocking tan and teenager level hard-ons). Anyway, as to the TRT stuff and getting baselines, etc, below is a long walk to why. . . And I'd REALLY like to avoid getting baseline readings if I ever do it on my own but then go back to MD monitored. So, looking for gel, to stay consistent, at least for now. . . .
Prior to me being on the MD monitored gel program, frankly I had been doing (on my own, with periodic blood testing and everything) my own clomid based regimen. And frankly I was very successful it worked very well at increasing T levels and I also kept conversion to estrogen down with supplementation also. Anyone on here who thinks you can't do this with clomind is flat our wrong becaue I'm firsthand proof that you can. My bloods were great. Total T a nice therapeutic level 700-800 and free T actually HIGHER than normal range with other hormone levels very normal.
When I decided to stop doing that and went to an endocrinologist he was like "you did what? and also wjhat? and for how long? Let me see your testing yo were doing. really? wow!" It was like I was blowing his mind withthe concept tht you can actually do this shit yourself. BUT. . . . in order to get me on TRT he needed a baseline of me being off everything and so thta was 12 weeks of noting, and tht sucked.
Yeah, I wouldn't skip bloodwork I'd just do it on my own like I did when I was doing my clomid regimen. The frustrating aspect of being doctor monitored is the constant insurance preapprovals and administrative fuckups, etc. I don't mind the gel, at least it's convenient. When I first went to doctor monitored TRT I actually said I'd prefer injection and I'd do it myself but they insisted I could only do injection if they did the administration and I don't have time for that shit.
@Lawyerguy1 IM i do agree with the community and I highly recommend you self-TRT , its cheaper and easier and you can subQ the self TRT
but you know most guys on TRT have others issues, even on gels and creams, main issue is the diet training
so even if you do self TRT how about your diet training cardio supps hows that going? please start a new thread with your trt diet training so we can guide you from it and help you get an injectable protocol set up
To really guide you we need more info, we need you to share your diet, training, cardio, sleep, supplements etc log with us, full log journal so our guidance is based on facts you provide.
If you want us to really guide you, and we have 100s of years of experience between us, you need to post a LOG Journal with your stats (weight,height,age, years training, cycle history) diet, training, cardio, supplement, sleep details. If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.
Please post a Log Journal asap for us
Please click the anabolic forum
top RIGHT, you see: +POST THREAD
click that
in Title: write your cycle name, like> My _____ Cycle Log
___ = the name of your log
example: My TRT Cream Diet Training Log
in body: write your planned cycle or cycle you doing now, your diet, training and we will help you along on your cycle
here are examples of LOG Journals
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