Thanks to Stratum Labs for this opportunity to log his oils.
I am looking to continue my cutting cycle and sub in his mast P instead of my current non-approved source.
This Log starts in the midst of a lengthy blast, slowly reducing weight and now recomping a bit. The goal of this blast is to grow in a stress free cut, so I am tracking my lifts and daily bodyweight... the start of this cut I was 102-103kg (image 1 ) at this point I had just started rebuilding my physique from the ground up... I had a health scare. Immediatley came off cycle cold turkey and dropped from a bloated 116 to a skinny 103. (image standing 1 ) I started learning about blood pressure, electrolytes and inflammation and started implementing this, I improved my health.
Push / Pull / Legs:
I normally focus on mainly machines over freeweights, for example pendulum vs squats, nautilus incline press over dumbells. I do some unorthodox things like side delts before chest and hamstrings first in my leg sessions, Normally 2 on 1 off but I train according to my body and its recovery
30min everyday
+/- abs or hip flexors depenfing on recovery.
(banded single leg hip flexor raises 2-3 sets per side or 2-3 ab exercises)
(oftentimes I have done more but I feel this is impacting my recovery, which then forces me to drop cardio on the next rest day. going forward I aim to be strict about 30min of cardio and not overdoing it inconsistently. stairmaster at home is my weapon of choice, level 12-14.)
10-15k (looking to increase as my routine becomes more consistent 30min cardio and an earlier breakfast)
Meal 1 and 2
Cup of cooked kangaroo mince and half a TBSP of mct oil, handful of Coles organic veg mix
Preworkout Meal
1.5 scoops cream of rice, one scoop of whey
50g HBCD 20g EAA , 10g creatine and electrolytes
1.5 scoops cream of rice, 2 scoops of whey 10g collagen 10g glutamine + 3 prunes
Meal 5 and 6
Cup of kangaroo, handful of Coles organic veg mix, 2-3 slices of sourdough rye, tablespoon of honey, teaspoon of EPA oil or olive oil
(higher carb days no oil but additional honey and bread)
Rest days Macros 300-350p 55f 250-300 carbs. more flexible ususally first half of day is equal
Test .3ml test E a day
Mast 4ml mast P a day
primo .5ml a day (as of this week)
l Carnitine 1-2ml daily premiumsupps
Glutathione 3ml a day
BCP-157 and GHK CU for ankle and shoulder injuries and heart health
Irbesartan bood pressure medicine 150mg
Some photos more recently:
Post shoulder sesh and quads late at night...
If people want my previous training logs I can post.
I am looking to continue my cutting cycle and sub in his mast P instead of my current non-approved source.
This Log starts in the midst of a lengthy blast, slowly reducing weight and now recomping a bit. The goal of this blast is to grow in a stress free cut, so I am tracking my lifts and daily bodyweight... the start of this cut I was 102-103kg (image 1 ) at this point I had just started rebuilding my physique from the ground up... I had a health scare. Immediatley came off cycle cold turkey and dropped from a bloated 116 to a skinny 103. (image standing 1 ) I started learning about blood pressure, electrolytes and inflammation and started implementing this, I improved my health.
Push / Pull / Legs:
I normally focus on mainly machines over freeweights, for example pendulum vs squats, nautilus incline press over dumbells. I do some unorthodox things like side delts before chest and hamstrings first in my leg sessions, Normally 2 on 1 off but I train according to my body and its recovery
30min everyday
+/- abs or hip flexors depenfing on recovery.
(banded single leg hip flexor raises 2-3 sets per side or 2-3 ab exercises)
(oftentimes I have done more but I feel this is impacting my recovery, which then forces me to drop cardio on the next rest day. going forward I aim to be strict about 30min of cardio and not overdoing it inconsistently. stairmaster at home is my weapon of choice, level 12-14.)
10-15k (looking to increase as my routine becomes more consistent 30min cardio and an earlier breakfast)
Meal 1 and 2
Cup of cooked kangaroo mince and half a TBSP of mct oil, handful of Coles organic veg mix
Preworkout Meal
1.5 scoops cream of rice, one scoop of whey
50g HBCD 20g EAA , 10g creatine and electrolytes
1.5 scoops cream of rice, 2 scoops of whey 10g collagen 10g glutamine + 3 prunes
Meal 5 and 6
Cup of kangaroo, handful of Coles organic veg mix, 2-3 slices of sourdough rye, tablespoon of honey, teaspoon of EPA oil or olive oil
(higher carb days no oil but additional honey and bread)
Rest days Macros 300-350p 55f 250-300 carbs. more flexible ususally first half of day is equal
Test .3ml test E a day
Mast 4ml mast P a day
primo .5ml a day (as of this week)
l Carnitine 1-2ml daily premiumsupps
Glutathione 3ml a day
BCP-157 and GHK CU for ankle and shoulder injuries and heart health
Irbesartan bood pressure medicine 150mg
Some photos more recently:
Post shoulder sesh and quads late at night...
If people want my previous training logs I can post.