@fusionr you are higher bodyfat but I think we can easily dial you in.I have been bulking so now im higher than 20% body fat, this is without a pump or flexing, but I definetly need to get my testosterone up. It's been hard to build muscle. I drink 3, 50g protein shakes a day, as well as eat lean chicken, beef, eggs and yogurt to get the other 25-50g of protein I need in a day. In another few weeks I'll start cardio again, but I was trying to build as much muscle as possible before I try to get lean again. Today I will be doing chest,back, and shoulders at the gym. I will post the exact routine later on incase I change it up.
please start putting up actual diet training with detail please
superdrol can cause issues long term with organsThe left is me about a year and a few months ago, and the right is 2 months ago. I honestly don't think the 1-testosterone or the superdrol I did helped much in the last 2 months. Of course I was only on a half dose, but I should have built more muscle than I did. Now I'm not as lean and not much extra muscle added.
you can add self TRT more testosterone hows that to start?
why sustanon? I would suggest testosterone straight NOT trenI'm thinking next month I'll start a sustanon 250 cycle. I will most likely need more than 10ml if I am going to take more than 1ml/ week of sustanon 250 what site would you guys recommend to buy gear from? Clearly steroidwarehouse.com Is out of the question. And should I stack sustanon 250 with another injectable steroid? If so what, and what doses? I am new to this, I'm kind of worried and excited all at the same time. I would try tren, but I hear that has the most side effects.
dont be worries we will help you and guide you
napsgear is legit for sure but remember they will ship international if 50% off so will take timeI saw napsgear.org on another thread, are they reliable? They have deca 300 on sale right now, is that any good?
I suggest NOT deca but test only with aromasin and n2guard