Logging time. First ever log – we’ll see how it goes. Aim is to keep it hog shot-free and focussed on progress. Also first time trying a 19-Nor.
Running @Core Pharma oils (Test, Primo, NPP, Mast), & @Raptor Labs (GH & orals). These vendors are absolute gents to deal with. Have previously run Raptor’s stuff with good results, but have heard many, many good reports on Core Pharma.
In my 30’s, with kids in the toddler & baby stage so training can sometimes get interrupted by these cheeky lads. My priorities are family, work & then training in that order – so will do my best to keep up with log posts. If I stumble here and there on this – its one of the first 2 things taking precedence – that’s life.
Just started running juice again in July this year after over a decade off. Good to be back, but also good to train naturally for all that time and get to know what works and what doesn’t without the anabolic assistance.
Currently weighing 93kg in the mornings, can fluctuate above and below. (Was on really good progress moving above this – but got really nasty food poisoning on holiday in late September which seemed to derail me quite a bit – back on course now).
Pre-existing Injuries
· Torn rotators in each shoulder. One from boxing, one from JJ. Can occasionally aggravate but feeling good atm. Focus on keeping shoulders back and down in bench and they generally stay happy. Probably the sneaky thing that sets them off is sleeping on my side.
· Currently dealing with some bad tricep tendonitis both arms. Has meant I’ve had to regress bench press and o/head press weights. Actually got it from trying to really push tricep strength with deadstop tricep extensions over a heap of months because they were so effective. Normally I like to rotate exercises to prevent this but stupid me kept going. Anyway.
· Disc injuries in back. Got crushed when I was younger by some 600kg+ livestock. No it wasn’t a donkey show. Can do any sport – boxing, JJ etc without issue to back, but axial loading when my back has too much fatigue or I don’t brace properly and it sets it off. Set it off earlier this year so have been regressing weight on deads and squats – anything involving axial load really. Try to stick to squatting exercises that are more upright and where you’re forced to regress weight like front squats.
4x week training split into 2x upper body and 2x lower body session.
One upper body has bench press as primary, one upper has an overhead or incline variant as primary, one lower is squat focussed and the other deadlift. And then a stack of accessories on each day.
Ok – as to what I’ll be running.
I like to start lower and bring it up as I feel like I’m hitting a plateau. Will especially start conservative on the nandrolone as I haven’t run it before.
Also, I’ve got to be careful with primo dosing – EQ and primo can smash my e2. Don’t aromatise as much as I used to think.
So cycle will start with:
300mg Test E, 150mg Primo E, 100mg NPP, 100mg Mast E from @Core Pharma
I’ll look to move to 200mg NPP after a couple of weeks as long as I’m happy with it, and bump everything else up as I require it.
Injection Frequency: ED
Also will be running 3 to 4iu GH four to five days a week. & 20 – 40mg Anavar PWO sublingual as feel like it. Both are @Raptor Labs . Also have some raptor anadrol if I want to spice it up a bit, but I’d prefer to get on top of my tricep tendonitis before dropping a-bombs.
First injection of oils was on Wednesday, and will start GH tonight and var PWO tomorrow.
Will post bloods at about 5 weeks in and then as needed. Will make sure to include LCMS testosterone due to the nandrolone, and IGF-1 to see how the GH is going.
Will prob get a dexa scan or two as well during and towards the end.
Aim of this cycle is growth – move the needle towards 100kg.
Some pics below from last week to gauge starting point.
Running @Core Pharma oils (Test, Primo, NPP, Mast), & @Raptor Labs (GH & orals). These vendors are absolute gents to deal with. Have previously run Raptor’s stuff with good results, but have heard many, many good reports on Core Pharma.
In my 30’s, with kids in the toddler & baby stage so training can sometimes get interrupted by these cheeky lads. My priorities are family, work & then training in that order – so will do my best to keep up with log posts. If I stumble here and there on this – its one of the first 2 things taking precedence – that’s life.
Just started running juice again in July this year after over a decade off. Good to be back, but also good to train naturally for all that time and get to know what works and what doesn’t without the anabolic assistance.
Currently weighing 93kg in the mornings, can fluctuate above and below. (Was on really good progress moving above this – but got really nasty food poisoning on holiday in late September which seemed to derail me quite a bit – back on course now).
Pre-existing Injuries
· Torn rotators in each shoulder. One from boxing, one from JJ. Can occasionally aggravate but feeling good atm. Focus on keeping shoulders back and down in bench and they generally stay happy. Probably the sneaky thing that sets them off is sleeping on my side.
· Currently dealing with some bad tricep tendonitis both arms. Has meant I’ve had to regress bench press and o/head press weights. Actually got it from trying to really push tricep strength with deadstop tricep extensions over a heap of months because they were so effective. Normally I like to rotate exercises to prevent this but stupid me kept going. Anyway.
· Disc injuries in back. Got crushed when I was younger by some 600kg+ livestock. No it wasn’t a donkey show. Can do any sport – boxing, JJ etc without issue to back, but axial loading when my back has too much fatigue or I don’t brace properly and it sets it off. Set it off earlier this year so have been regressing weight on deads and squats – anything involving axial load really. Try to stick to squatting exercises that are more upright and where you’re forced to regress weight like front squats.
4x week training split into 2x upper body and 2x lower body session.
One upper body has bench press as primary, one upper has an overhead or incline variant as primary, one lower is squat focussed and the other deadlift. And then a stack of accessories on each day.
Ok – as to what I’ll be running.
I like to start lower and bring it up as I feel like I’m hitting a plateau. Will especially start conservative on the nandrolone as I haven’t run it before.
Also, I’ve got to be careful with primo dosing – EQ and primo can smash my e2. Don’t aromatise as much as I used to think.
So cycle will start with:
300mg Test E, 150mg Primo E, 100mg NPP, 100mg Mast E from @Core Pharma
I’ll look to move to 200mg NPP after a couple of weeks as long as I’m happy with it, and bump everything else up as I require it.
Injection Frequency: ED
Also will be running 3 to 4iu GH four to five days a week. & 20 – 40mg Anavar PWO sublingual as feel like it. Both are @Raptor Labs . Also have some raptor anadrol if I want to spice it up a bit, but I’d prefer to get on top of my tricep tendonitis before dropping a-bombs.
First injection of oils was on Wednesday, and will start GH tonight and var PWO tomorrow.
Will post bloods at about 5 weeks in and then as needed. Will make sure to include LCMS testosterone due to the nandrolone, and IGF-1 to see how the GH is going.
Will prob get a dexa scan or two as well during and towards the end.
Aim of this cycle is growth – move the needle towards 100kg.
Some pics below from last week to gauge starting point.