I would rather a delay and have quality products versus quick any day. I appreciate your speedy response and your team has been incredible as well, so I have no doubt on the speed of customer service for PSL.This is absolute dynamite, please bear in mind that if you do not get an update right away, do not panic there might be some slight white noise with your order, but that does not mean the ball is not rolling, you will get your updates but the process is continuously taking place behind closed doors.
If by chance you don't get your updates by this weekend, you will have everything by Monday, but by then it will be many steps ahead.
Again if you have any questions or concerns, the entire staff and all of the team sales associates are here willing and eager to assist you..
I am eagerly looking forward to setting up tests with Janoshik on the orals and building a huge non-biased case study that can help anyone else that has gone through similar issues as myself.
My previous source was severely underdosed and in turn it made me screw up my other dosages with AI, causing hormonal fluctuations and cystic acne. It's extremely important to have the right product.
So, the next step here for PSL (for me) is for me to send out to Janoshik unlabeled and then to come back to everyone with bloodwork. We'll have bloodwork on the shit previous source, bloodwork on now Pharmaceutical test prescription, and then bloodwork on Blast with PSL products.
I also am putting together an excel sheet that will track everything I take medicinally p/day that my assistant is putting together.
So in summary - very impressed with PSL so far, I am completely unbiased and unaffiliated, and we will see what the data and lab results look like in the coming month.