Hey, guys, I have decided to follow a push-pull legs upper-lower split. I enjoy working out through the week as it gives me something to look forward to during my working week. I find that given that I work through the day a lot of the time my gym is so busy when I get there and it is difficult to train antagonist muscles together as I need access to 2 machines to be time effective. If training upper body for example I like to superset chest and back together to make my workout more time efficient but I find that at 5 pm it is just not possible to use 2 machines. I am doing 20 minutes of cardio per day in combination with my resistance training.
I am undecided on what PCT protocol to follow. I have HCG on hand and had planned to use it as a part of my PCT protocol but now I am worried that when I come off HCG I will still be suppressed given that HCG stimulates the Pututiary gland to produce LH but how will be body respond when I come off HCG will my test levels just crash again given?
I have ordered Cardarine which I plan to use in combination with my PCT drugs. I feel that if I am unable to regain my natural test levels this time around I may have to go on TRT which I wouldn't mind given that it would enable me to maintain a good amount of muscle mass which is what I have always wanted. However, given that I don't have amazing genetics and I have elbow tendinitis I am unsure how much more muscle I will be able to gain over the years. Time will tell.
I am thinking of running the protocol that Dylan laid out
clomid 50/50/25/25
nolva 40/40/20/20
aromasin using as needed
mk-2866 25 mg day
gw-501516 20 mg day
I plan to add in a good test booser while on PCT.
my original protocol that I had planned to follow
First 2 weeks:
50mg clomid/day
40mg nolvadex/day
1,000iu HCG 3x a week
100iu HMG EOD
Weeks 3-4:
25mg clomid/day
20mg nolvadex/day
500iu HCG on Mondays and Fridays
50iu HMG EOD
Weeks 5-end of PCT
10mg nolvadex/day
What are your thoughts? I have been suppressed for close to 5 months now with low test levels and I have certainly been noticing the mental health side effects. I have felt horrible over the past few months in combination with other stressful events that have occurred recently to me.
I was thinking that I could save my HCG for another time perhaps when I cycle again. HCG is usually used to kickstart a Pct boosting LH and FSH before beginning PCT.
any advice or suggestions would be much appreciated. I want to have healthy test levels again so I can function at my best both in the gym and out of the gym.