Hey guys, I plan to keep you guys more frequently updated with my training progress. At times life gets in the way and I get preoccupied with other things.
Today I trained Pull.
I am still running a push-pull legs routine training 6 days per week.
I am currently on test e 200 mg injected on Monday and Thursday for trt ( 100mg per injection).
I have recently added injectable Dbol into my stack pre-workout.
Today was my first workout trying out Dbol. I shot 25mg 30 mins before my workout.
I noticed an increased pump in my muscles while training and my strength felt great.
I am wondering if you guys think it would be a good idea to run injectable dbol at 25mg as a mini blast in combination with my TRT dose of test ( 200mg).
I have been debating adding in HGH but feel that I am still too young and wouldn't reap the full benefits of HGH if used now for my current goals. ( Gaining lean tissue)
Todays Pull session
10 mins cardio warm up
close grip pull-downs
Performed 3 warm-up sets before my working sets.
Close grip lat pull downs.
( Lats felt great during this movement I could feel an intense mind-muscle connection with my lats during every rep. The 25mg of Dbol added today was subtle in its effects but notable)
close grip pull-downs ( 2 to 1.5 minutes rest between sets)
Set 1 77KG for 15 reps
set 2 77kg for 10 reps
set 3 77kg for 8 reps
1 arm D handle rows unilateral
set 1 45 kg 15 reps
set 2 45kg 15 reps
set 3 45 kg 15 reps
seated cable row leaning forward to place a higher emphasis on the lats
set 1 50 kgs 15 reps
set 2 50 kg 10 reps
set 3 45 kg 15 reps
cable pullovers using 2 D handles. This is my favourite exercise to isolate the lats followed by the nautilus pullover machine. Unfortunately, not many gyms in my town have a pullover machine.
set 1 45kg 20 reps
set 2 45kg 20 reps
set 3 45 kg 20reps
I thoroughly enjoy this movement as a finisher as it enables me to flush the lats with blood and takes other muscles out of the equation.
upper back rows elbows high to focus on contacting the mid back.
set 1 68kg for 10 reps
set 2 68kg for 10 reps
set 3 68kg for 10 reps
rear delt flies using a peck deck machine.
45 kg for 20 reps. I repeated this for another 2 sets of my rear delts where on fire
I like to go with a higher rep range for this movement.
Pausing for a moment when my rear delts are contacted and controlling the weight on the eccentric. Ensuring not to pull too far back as from my experience that is when I begin to involve the muscles of the midback in the movement.
Biceps machine preacher curls.
set 1- 27 kg for 15 reps
set 2 27 kg for 15 reps
set 3 27 kg for 15 reps
drop set 15 kg for 20 reps.
finished off with 3 sets of hyperextension to keep my lower back healthy. I don't usually add much weight to this movement to avoid placing unnecessary stress on the spine.
I am tracking my workouts using Fitnotes to ensure that I am progressing on my movements. I am training within a higher rep range as my primary goal is hypertrophy and I am training around tricep tendonitis in my right elbow which has improved since using tb500 and bpc 157 over 3 months.
I am getting blood work done tomorrow morning and will post my results when I receive them should be received sometime next week.
I will post up diet pictures tomorrow. I am working on improving my diet currently and consuming more whole foods rather than liquid foods which have led me to binge eat at times due to not being as satiating.
Do you guys think it would be better to use injectable Dbol as a pre-workout occasionally or run it for a 4-6 week period in combination with my TRT protocol?
I have an AI on hand if my e2 begins to become too elevated. I am doing 20 minutes of cardio per day after my workouts and getting in a good amount of walking during the afternoons ( 10,000 steps) most days.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts. Thank you for checking out my post.