We live in a high tech world where technology is suppose to make life easier. We have smart phones, watches and apps that help track everything from our exercise, heart rate, calories burned and even how we sleep at night. While technology can be a convenience, it can also take away from intentionally being engaged in our journey to reach our goals. Why do I say this? I am guilty as charged for being hands off on my training. Oh, my phone is tracking that right now, I can look at this later (then I don’t). If I care about something I go after it and I’m engaged. If I go after something and I am hands off and shifting my responsibility to an app or piece of tech then I have absolved myself of any personal accountability. For this reason I create my own personal spreadsheets where each day I intentionally go in and log my activity, diet, miles ridden, training details, calories burned and personal notes that I can look back at. Technology isn’t bad it’s just that I have to utilize it with an engaged and intentional approach for that technology to mean anything to me in relation to achieving my goals. How do you stay directly engaged with your goals? What keeps you intentionally close to the intimate details of your training? I would love to hear how people keep themselves accountable in order to reach their desired fitness goals.