Hey guys, this morning i just got my first sides ever from tren. This isnt my first time running a tren cycle, i have ran 2 cycles of tren acetate prior to this at 400mg every week and didnt notice anything but mad strength gains and muscle separation / hardening. This cycle im on now, im 3 weeks deep into 600mg tren enanthate and 400mg test a week. Lastnight i noticed i couldnt fall asleep for the life of me until midnight came around then i finally passed out. Just got up at 4:30am to head to golds for 5. Now, with the prior cycles i had with tren i had insane endurance, and cardio wasnt impacted negatively at all. Yesterday my cardio was literally at 100% and could have killed it for hours on end in the gym. Today though, I was literally only able to bang out 5 sets of machine back rows, with moderate weight until I got so dizzy and winded i had to step outside into the cold ass 2 degrees celsisus weather we have up here in Canada. After that, i tried doing some bent over dumbell rows, managing to get 1 set before throwing in the towel. I left the gym hacking my lungs out and feeling like i was literally gonna puke. This has never happened with tren acetate in my prior experience with the compound. Could this be caused by the tren dosage ?, different ester maybe ?. Let me know what you guys think, but if this keeps up im not sure if ill make it through with the tren this cycle.
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