Hopefully I am posting this correctly lol.
About me: 47 years old. Training since 1991. Mostly bench, squats, deadlift. Physical job that involves lifting, pushing and pulling heavy tires all day 5 or 6 days a week. Some days are 10-12 or more hours.
Some history: Max bench ever was 495, max squat was 495 and max dead was 585. Both on and off gear in the 1996-1998 time frame.
Cycle history: this is tough going off memory to dang near 30 years ago, but my good friend I grew up with went to BYU right after we graduated high school and came back about 6 months later and he was buff. He brought me some Dbol pinks and a bottle of deca. Told me to try. I was all for it. I don’t recall how much weight I gained or how much strength but it was significant.
Iirc it was 20mg Dbol a day and 300mg deca per week. Did this for two months. Took three month or so off.
Second cycle was Dbol and equipoise with testosterone E, iirc. 20mg Dbol a day, 200mg T a week and iirc 300 or 400mg EQ. Dbol for two months and the rest was 3 months total. Took 3 or so months off.
Third cycle was EQ same dose as before, and 500mg sust 250 a week. 3 months. Iirc took 3 months off.
Fourth cycle (and final cycle) was iirc Dbol 20mg a day, 500mg sust a week, and I think it was deca 300mg a week. Same thing 3 months total, but dropped dbol after two months.
I didn’t even know pct existed. Again, this was 1990s rural America and basically no internet access. My only gear info and contact was my buddy.
Up until a few years ago I had an Olympic bar and 8 45 plates. I used this for bench,squats, deads. I always kept the same schedule. Squats Monday, bench Wednesday, dead’s Friday. I did this every week unless I was really sick or on a vacation and away from home. I did this for a couple decades.
In 2020 I was in pretty top top shape and strong. I got Covid really bad in mid 2020. I was in bed almost all day for 6 weeks. During that time my testicles hurt like heck. Dr told me it wasn’t cancer but testicular atrophy. He said there was evidence that Covid attacked testicles and ovaries. I gained a lot of weight. I lost almost 100% of the hair on my legs. I lost about 50% of my eyebrows hair. I got lots of joint pain. So, in early 2022 I had a blood test full panel including hormones. My T was 330ng. My E was iirc like 8. Very low. No libido. No erections.
Dr prescribed me clomid 25mg 3x a week and 120mg T. Idk why he gave me clomid, maybe some of you gentlemen know. Anyhow, he was a pain and o deal with and let my script lapse a couple times. After 3 months I had iirc a 660ish T level and 32-35 E level. He told me to increase to 140mg a week. All of it subq. Had bloods a little while later and was mid 700s and E was about the same.
I decided to drop the Dr and I don’t recall how I ended up on evolutionary but I was stoked when I saw the site. I saw the info for domestic supply and had a good feeling about it so I placed on order. I was not disappointed.
I have kept my 140mg a week dose, but no clomid. A also picked up some Dbol from D-S. On April 25 I added in 20mg a day. I felt it immediately. Mood boost and pumps.
Guys I work a lot and sometimes shower and pass out when I get home so I’ll do my best to update.
About me: 47 years old. Training since 1991. Mostly bench, squats, deadlift. Physical job that involves lifting, pushing and pulling heavy tires all day 5 or 6 days a week. Some days are 10-12 or more hours.
Some history: Max bench ever was 495, max squat was 495 and max dead was 585. Both on and off gear in the 1996-1998 time frame.
Cycle history: this is tough going off memory to dang near 30 years ago, but my good friend I grew up with went to BYU right after we graduated high school and came back about 6 months later and he was buff. He brought me some Dbol pinks and a bottle of deca. Told me to try. I was all for it. I don’t recall how much weight I gained or how much strength but it was significant.
Iirc it was 20mg Dbol a day and 300mg deca per week. Did this for two months. Took three month or so off.
Second cycle was Dbol and equipoise with testosterone E, iirc. 20mg Dbol a day, 200mg T a week and iirc 300 or 400mg EQ. Dbol for two months and the rest was 3 months total. Took 3 or so months off.
Third cycle was EQ same dose as before, and 500mg sust 250 a week. 3 months. Iirc took 3 months off.
Fourth cycle (and final cycle) was iirc Dbol 20mg a day, 500mg sust a week, and I think it was deca 300mg a week. Same thing 3 months total, but dropped dbol after two months.
I didn’t even know pct existed. Again, this was 1990s rural America and basically no internet access. My only gear info and contact was my buddy.
Up until a few years ago I had an Olympic bar and 8 45 plates. I used this for bench,squats, deads. I always kept the same schedule. Squats Monday, bench Wednesday, dead’s Friday. I did this every week unless I was really sick or on a vacation and away from home. I did this for a couple decades.
In 2020 I was in pretty top top shape and strong. I got Covid really bad in mid 2020. I was in bed almost all day for 6 weeks. During that time my testicles hurt like heck. Dr told me it wasn’t cancer but testicular atrophy. He said there was evidence that Covid attacked testicles and ovaries. I gained a lot of weight. I lost almost 100% of the hair on my legs. I lost about 50% of my eyebrows hair. I got lots of joint pain. So, in early 2022 I had a blood test full panel including hormones. My T was 330ng. My E was iirc like 8. Very low. No libido. No erections.
Dr prescribed me clomid 25mg 3x a week and 120mg T. Idk why he gave me clomid, maybe some of you gentlemen know. Anyhow, he was a pain and o deal with and let my script lapse a couple times. After 3 months I had iirc a 660ish T level and 32-35 E level. He told me to increase to 140mg a week. All of it subq. Had bloods a little while later and was mid 700s and E was about the same.
I decided to drop the Dr and I don’t recall how I ended up on evolutionary but I was stoked when I saw the site. I saw the info for domestic supply and had a good feeling about it so I placed on order. I was not disappointed.
I have kept my 140mg a week dose, but no clomid. A also picked up some Dbol from D-S. On April 25 I added in 20mg a day. I felt it immediately. Mood boost and pumps.
Guys I work a lot and sometimes shower and pass out when I get home so I’ll do my best to update.