55 years old 6' 2" weigh at 220 lbs
Been on and off training physically for bit over 30 year's to keep the military smiling!
Now time for me and my family!
Week 1
Pin #2 today .5ml test cyp
Meal is low carb at 11:00 am previous fasting from 2000hrs last night.
2 turkey tails and 1 chicken thigh BBQed
Brocoli from the bag!
Sorry if I'm screwing this up but am suppose to title it as a Log?
First time doing this stuff
@medengines welcome now FULLY to the EVO family

happy to have you here sharing.
Nice meal to start.
This log is going to really help you achieve your life goals and health goals, but please share more with us.
Please share more day to day information with us.
Diet, Training, Cardio
Diet, please share foods and meals and when you eat them, macros would be good
Training, please share actual exercises reps sets and weights, as you go especially get stronger
cardio how much do you do? when etc
If you don't log what you eat or train now, open NOTES on phone and start recording it there and paste here. Very easy.
what digestive supps you use?
digestive enzymes?
psyllium husk?
please share pictures of you face blurred
pics of your meals as you go
pics of your training as you go
pics of your supps
pics of your gear
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