Last meal was last night @7:30
So fast to 4:30pm today
21 hrs. Workout was 35 minutes fasted
Routine :
Jumpjacks count of 45 straight
Into - Burpees 3 Pushups/ run in place count 20 x 6
Squats with dumbells into Overhead press 20 reps x 3 sets
Romanian deads 20 x 3
Burpees same setup
Curls dumbells 15 x3
Skull crushers standing 15x3
Flat bench skull crushers 12x3
Bent over Curls 20 x2
50 shrugs
Meal #1 :
Ribeye Family pack so "pretty thin" I think it came out to .52lbs. Each steak x4 pieces
1 shake, 1 steak, 1 "Gourmet brand" beef patty, Broccoli half a bag, bacon about half of a pack and Blueberry hand full.