Hey guys, I've ran two cycles now using Ultimate Perfomance Labs. I only have just come across this forum, and never knew how to get a source before, so a guy at the gym sold me UPL.
I ran 500mg of test for my first cycle and then now 600mg test and 300mg deca
honestly not seeing much, haven't done my bloods as of yet. does anyone have any information on UPL? Are they fake? Am I just injecting myself with oil
Also as an Aussie, which trusted sources are the most popular? which is the most reviewed and used among bodybuilders.
I'm very new to these forums and I'm having a hard time navigating.
any help with be appreciated
I ran 500mg of test for my first cycle and then now 600mg test and 300mg deca
honestly not seeing much, haven't done my bloods as of yet. does anyone have any information on UPL? Are they fake? Am I just injecting myself with oil
Also as an Aussie, which trusted sources are the most popular? which is the most reviewed and used among bodybuilders.
I'm very new to these forums and I'm having a hard time navigating.
any help with be appreciated