Newbie Brother
I'm considering different possibilities now. I'm planning a SARMs cycle with an addition of GH secretagogue called mk677, which is not a SARM. During the cycle, I will use clomiphene or enclomiphene, and I will continue to use it for some weeks after the cycle. That's too keep testosterone production alive, because I won't be using exogenous testosterone.
I have read a lot, and I have chosen Ostarine and Andarine as the best option. I will use one of them in a combination with mk677 and clomid or enclomiphene.
Upon some research, I came to the conclusion that S4 (Andarine) can cause a lot of problems to the prostate, so now I have affinity to Ostarine.
Ostarine won't negatively affect my prostate, but it has the potential to seriously mess up with HDL and LDL profile and SHBG.
Reduction of SHBG will increase the free testosterone level, but it will also increase the estrogen level, another sex hormone. Will this be dangerous, considering the fact I won't use exogenous testosterone and neither testosterone nor estrogen will have the ability to go beyond the natural limit of the body due to aromatase having too much testosterone to work with? Can you give me approximate numbers on what to expect in regard of hormone levels elevation?
My current estradiol level is 92.80pmol/L, with a reference range of 28.0 - 156.0. Can Ostarine affect SHBG in such a way that my estradiol goes beyond the reference range?
See this:
"Enobosarm has shown dose-related adverse effects on serum lipids, sex hormone and gonadotropin levels, and carrier protein levels in clinical trials.[16][17][28] It decreases HDL cholesterol levels, reducing them dose-dependently by 17% at a dose of 1 mg/day and by 27% at a dose of 3 mg/day.[16][17][28] Decreases in total cholesterol levels and in triglyceride levels have also been seen, whereas LDL cholesterol levels are unchanged.[16][17][28]
In healthy elderly men, total testosterone levels decreased significantly at doses of 1 and 3 mg/day (-31% and -57%, respectively), whereas levels of free testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), estradiol, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) did not change significantly at doses up to 3 mg/day.[16][28] In healthy postmenopausal women, LH and FSH decreased significantly only at the 3 mg/day dose (-17% and -30%, respectively), whereas levels of total testosterone, free testosterone, DHT, and estradiol did not clearly change relative to placebo.[16][17][28] SHBG levels were lowered at doses of 1 to 3 mg/day, decreasing dramatically by 61% in men and by 80% in women at the 3 mg/day dose.[16][17][28] For comparison, testosterone enanthate by intramuscular injection at a highly supraphysiological dose of 600 mg/week resulted in only a 31% decrease in SHBG levels.[28][29]
Despite the large changes in SHBG levels, levels of free testosterone did not significantly change in either men or women.[16][17][28] Small but significant increases in hemoglobin and hematocrit, and small but significant decreases in fasting blood glucose, insulin levels, and insulin resistance, have been observed with enobosarm at 3 mg/day."
If Ostarine can do such thing at such small doses, what can it do at a dose of 10 or 25 mg a day? Will it completely eliminate HDL? I don't want to die of a cardiovascular issue.
That's annoying. Each time I think I have found the perfect PED/steroid combination, shortly after that I discover information that makes the combination looks deadly.
Will I die if the cycle is no longer than 4 or 8 or 12 weeks?
I need your advice.
I really don't know what to do... I just want to do a cycle without getting too serious side effects ad dying. That's everything I want. But at the same time, ever information I find sounds extremely dangerous.
I have read a lot, and I have chosen Ostarine and Andarine as the best option. I will use one of them in a combination with mk677 and clomid or enclomiphene.
Upon some research, I came to the conclusion that S4 (Andarine) can cause a lot of problems to the prostate, so now I have affinity to Ostarine.
Ostarine won't negatively affect my prostate, but it has the potential to seriously mess up with HDL and LDL profile and SHBG.
Reduction of SHBG will increase the free testosterone level, but it will also increase the estrogen level, another sex hormone. Will this be dangerous, considering the fact I won't use exogenous testosterone and neither testosterone nor estrogen will have the ability to go beyond the natural limit of the body due to aromatase having too much testosterone to work with? Can you give me approximate numbers on what to expect in regard of hormone levels elevation?
My current estradiol level is 92.80pmol/L, with a reference range of 28.0 - 156.0. Can Ostarine affect SHBG in such a way that my estradiol goes beyond the reference range?
See this:
"Enobosarm has shown dose-related adverse effects on serum lipids, sex hormone and gonadotropin levels, and carrier protein levels in clinical trials.[16][17][28] It decreases HDL cholesterol levels, reducing them dose-dependently by 17% at a dose of 1 mg/day and by 27% at a dose of 3 mg/day.[16][17][28] Decreases in total cholesterol levels and in triglyceride levels have also been seen, whereas LDL cholesterol levels are unchanged.[16][17][28]
In healthy elderly men, total testosterone levels decreased significantly at doses of 1 and 3 mg/day (-31% and -57%, respectively), whereas levels of free testosterone, dihydrotestosterone (DHT), estradiol, luteinizing hormone (LH), and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) did not change significantly at doses up to 3 mg/day.[16][28] In healthy postmenopausal women, LH and FSH decreased significantly only at the 3 mg/day dose (-17% and -30%, respectively), whereas levels of total testosterone, free testosterone, DHT, and estradiol did not clearly change relative to placebo.[16][17][28] SHBG levels were lowered at doses of 1 to 3 mg/day, decreasing dramatically by 61% in men and by 80% in women at the 3 mg/day dose.[16][17][28] For comparison, testosterone enanthate by intramuscular injection at a highly supraphysiological dose of 600 mg/week resulted in only a 31% decrease in SHBG levels.[28][29]
Despite the large changes in SHBG levels, levels of free testosterone did not significantly change in either men or women.[16][17][28] Small but significant increases in hemoglobin and hematocrit, and small but significant decreases in fasting blood glucose, insulin levels, and insulin resistance, have been observed with enobosarm at 3 mg/day."
If Ostarine can do such thing at such small doses, what can it do at a dose of 10 or 25 mg a day? Will it completely eliminate HDL? I don't want to die of a cardiovascular issue.
That's annoying. Each time I think I have found the perfect PED/steroid combination, shortly after that I discover information that makes the combination looks deadly.
Will I die if the cycle is no longer than 4 or 8 or 12 weeks?
I need your advice.
I really don't know what to do... I just want to do a cycle without getting too serious side effects ad dying. That's everything I want. But at the same time, ever information I find sounds extremely dangerous.