Date: 08/01/2025
Sleep Last Night: Deep Sleep | OK |
Kept Waking | Poor - 8hrs
Nutrition Last 24 hrs: On Point | Could Be Better | Terrible
Cardio Today? Yes | No - Rainy day again 45 minute fasted cardio at the gym.
Bodyweight: 110.2 kg
Training: Rest Day:
Good level of sore from yesterdays legs, definetley noticing more DOMS this program. I think my body was ready for some more volume. Rainy and miserable day here so did my cardio at the gym fasted.
Added in some cucumber to my chicken and rice meals was noticing some hunger yesterday after all my meals so hoping adding in some more easy digestable vegeies that it will fill me up more. Have noticed so far 3/5 meals in not nearly as hungry as this same point yesterday. On my rest days i extened my fasting out abit from 9 pm last night till 1:30 pm, ive had a fair bit of luck so far doing this. Just to clairfy for my chicken and rice meals i usually smash the carrot while im heating up my rice and chicken. I make a slushy/shake type drink out of the frozen spinach orange juice and some water, got this from Stan Efferding's vertical diet and i love it. Makes getting in my veg so much faster and more enjoyable for me, he is also the influence for the carrots and cranberry juice.
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