Hi guys, long time browser of the site first time poster!
Age - 29
Lifting since 21
First cycle - 26 (in total this is my 4th cycle)
Height - 5”9
Weight 93Kg
Bf 16-17% currently
Current cycle - (10 days in)
600Mg Test E (Rohm) pinned twice weekly
75mg Tren Ace (Rohm) pinned EOD
Aromasin (Rohm) 20mg EOD
Anavar (Rohm) 50mg ED
Proviron (Rohm) - 50mg ED
Cardarine - 20mg ED (10mg in AM/PM)
Used the same labs before without problem.
Got Caber and Cialis on hand just in case but no erection issues, libido issues or puffy/itchy nipple issues at the moment. Also taking liver supports etc.
Was planning on running this for 6 weeks just a short cutting cycle due to booking a short notice unplanned holiday, usually would prefer to run tren from a lower starting point but wanna have a quick tidy up before the holiday.
Anyway I have ran this cycle before with no issues over 8 weeks, however this time (and I know I’m only 10 days in) rather than weight coming down I just feel so bloated and weight has jumped up 5Kg in 10 days. I am definitely in a calorie deficit, output is high. I have dieted this exact way before but this time I’ve just got massive bloat, nearly all of it in my gut, arms and legs don’t appear to have got the bloated look really at all.
Currently lifting 5 days a week;
Push-Pull-Legs-Chest and Back-Shoulders and Arms
Hydration is fine, around 6-7 litres of water a day. Energy is fine, little bit of night sweats creeping in but other than that no sides other than this bloated look.
Any suggestions on what could be causing this or anything to try from what I’ve posted above? Or is it simply a case of give it time and see if it levels out and disappears?
Age - 29
Lifting since 21
First cycle - 26 (in total this is my 4th cycle)
Height - 5”9
Weight 93Kg
Bf 16-17% currently
Current cycle - (10 days in)
600Mg Test E (Rohm) pinned twice weekly
75mg Tren Ace (Rohm) pinned EOD
Aromasin (Rohm) 20mg EOD
Anavar (Rohm) 50mg ED
Proviron (Rohm) - 50mg ED
Cardarine - 20mg ED (10mg in AM/PM)
Used the same labs before without problem.
Got Caber and Cialis on hand just in case but no erection issues, libido issues or puffy/itchy nipple issues at the moment. Also taking liver supports etc.
Was planning on running this for 6 weeks just a short cutting cycle due to booking a short notice unplanned holiday, usually would prefer to run tren from a lower starting point but wanna have a quick tidy up before the holiday.
Anyway I have ran this cycle before with no issues over 8 weeks, however this time (and I know I’m only 10 days in) rather than weight coming down I just feel so bloated and weight has jumped up 5Kg in 10 days. I am definitely in a calorie deficit, output is high. I have dieted this exact way before but this time I’ve just got massive bloat, nearly all of it in my gut, arms and legs don’t appear to have got the bloated look really at all.
Currently lifting 5 days a week;
Push-Pull-Legs-Chest and Back-Shoulders and Arms
Hydration is fine, around 6-7 litres of water a day. Energy is fine, little bit of night sweats creeping in but other than that no sides other than this bloated look.
Any suggestions on what could be causing this or anything to try from what I’ve posted above? Or is it simply a case of give it time and see if it levels out and disappears?