So a guy at the gym is absolutely massive
Yesterday i built up the courage to approach him and ask him what he was taking. He looked at me and smiled and said “sarms”
I thought that was cool, never heard of sarms before. But i heard about steroids
Went home and spent about 10 hours researching these mythical sarms and learning all i could about them. They seem too good to be true and i want to try them to look like that guy
What do you think he is using?
My theory based on extensive research is he is using s23 100mgs per day, s4/andarine 100mgs a day, rad140 150mgs a day and cardarine 100mgs a day.
I would like to copy his stack to achieve The physique of my dreams. any advice for me?
Yesterday i built up the courage to approach him and ask him what he was taking. He looked at me and smiled and said “sarms”
I thought that was cool, never heard of sarms before. But i heard about steroids
Went home and spent about 10 hours researching these mythical sarms and learning all i could about them. They seem too good to be true and i want to try them to look like that guy
What do you think he is using?
My theory based on extensive research is he is using s23 100mgs per day, s4/andarine 100mgs a day, rad140 150mgs a day and cardarine 100mgs a day.
I would like to copy his stack to achieve The physique of my dreams. any advice for me?