TOPIC: What Is "Your" True Secret with Staying Motivated Long-term or at-least through your cycle/blast?
The Question: Anymore we see again and again people starting to workout and/or work on their diet routine (usually as a New Year's resolution but this is also common this time of year Crunch time for the beach),
but many quit and give-up a short time after.
Reason for topic? {let's talk} Why do we stick to it for years and YEARS when others can't stick to it for months or even weeks,
even though they were extremely excited in the beginning. (what happened to their motivation?)
The only way to truly get the body of your dreams is to stay consistent.
What is YOUR secret to staying motivated over the long term and how do you reach short term goals as-well?
What do you before a workout to be sure you are motivated to blast through your session,
with achieving the session that you're seeking?
(do you take a per-workout,listen to your favorite jam,or motivation speaker, tell us here?)
For myself. I don't think I really ever reach my goals because I'm ALWAYS seeking ways for improvement, Body Dysmorphia is legit..
I just the show the fuck up daily, I take the good with the bad and when I don't feel on point I still hit my session and just go through the motions..
Same applies in the kitchen, I show the fuck up with a knife and fork..