Hey guys,
Slowly getting progression on my leg workouts.
Up to 85kg on my seated leg curls, really enjoying leg days.
I started upping weight on my leg press but I started getting some pain in my very lower back near my tail bone (I have a history with disc issues there) but wondering if it's my form problem and that the load shouldn't be there?
The picture I've attached is actually of today's workout which did not entail legs, so no leg pump and i don't know why I took a leg shot but I was just in the zone

I've never had big legs but I'm liking the progression.
I started Tesofensine about 2 weeks ago and starting to feel some appetite suppression and generally good well being.
Few food pics :
Chicken, egg & Cucumber salad
Eggs with homemade chilli oil
Satay lean beef mince with veg
Have a great weekend