Hello its my first log i never ever did log until today
Current weight 84 kg ( i was 80kg when i started to cut)
My cycle is
500mg test (omnadren)
400 mg tren e
In week 3 i started 30mg of stanozolol (pills) everyday.
Vitamins/Minerals and all stuff i need to protect and try to minimaze the damage for my body.
My Diet is fasting but since i cant fast because i am not feeling okay to fast on trenbolone(i even started a thread about it) i started to breakfast so thats my diet.
08:00 Breakfast oat meal + whey proteine with water(the proteine is for the taste)
13:00 10 eggs (5 full eggs and another 5 only egg whites) + salad thats my lunch
I am trying to not eat much before my training because i work 9am-17pm
My training is 20 minutes after my work (17:30pm)i drink my preworkout (C4 ripped) and going to workout
After my training i drink whey + bcaa shake
19/20:00 i eat like 600-1000gr meat (fish or chicken btbh this week i tried beef) with potatoes or rice. after like 20 minutes i eat 5-10 eggs . Then trying to do atleast 12h fast
Potatoes or the rice are boiled. Meat is on grill.
So now the hard part for me ... the Training stuff i
Everday when i wake up i take cold showers , making like 40 pushups then going to work.
Monday Chest and cardio
5x12 Bench Press
5x12 Dumbell Incline Bench Press
5x12 Machine Chest press
5x15 Chest fly with cables
3x40 dips
Then i do 40 mins cardio
5x12 Biceps Curls
5x12 hammer curls
5x12 Preacher
5x12 NOrmal barbel
5x12 Contencrated curl
Wednesday triceps daay
5x14 EZ-bar skullcrusher
5x14 Close-grip bench press
5x15 cable overhead triceps extension
5x12 Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension
5x15 cable normal extension for triceps
40 mins of cardio
Thursday back time
5x15 deadlift (low kilos i got operation so i am kinda scared to lift heavy there)
5x12 Bent-Over Row
5x15 Pull-Ups (if i can i am doing more)
5x12 Seated Row
5x 15Lat Pull-Down
40 mins of cardio
Friday leg day
10x12 squats
5x12Dumbbell Walking Lunge
5x12Leg Extensions
5x12 Lying Leg Curls
40 mins of cardio
Saturday Abs and cardio session on empty stomach
5x15 abs exercies for upper belly
5x15 abs exercies for mid belly
5x15 ab exercies for lower belly
(5x12 example meaning 5 sets with 12 reps)
1 hour of cardio
Sunday I am resting of i feel crazy i am going again cardio only on empty stomach)
I think my problem is i train too much and not eating that much but the gym for me is not only going to look big better and stuff i just need to train everday .. my brain works better after i workout i feel really good ..
Thats why i dont do a splits BUT probably before few days i decide to try splits like
Monday - push exercices CARDIO
Tuesday- Pull exercies CARDIO
Thursday- Push exerciesCARDIO
Friday- Pull Exercides CARDIO
Saturday CARDIO on tempcy stomach
Sunday - Rest
Before steroids , on steroids , after the steroids .. i just love to train ... i feel awesome when i am trying thats why i dont rest much (i know that fucking dumb)
But i am taking EVERY critic or every suggestion to look and be better.
UPDATE 14/07/2023
I TRIED PUSH/PULL/KEGS thats definetly not my thing
So i will start my old program with everyday different group.
I felt in a trap and i eat baklava ... its my first sugar thing in like 6 months but what can i say ...
My weight is going up but i feel more and more lean.
I just felt the trenbolone effect i breath really heavy when i do cardio but i dont feel exhausted i just breath heavy which is cool because that mean my trenbolone is real LOL
I saw you wanted my picture i will probably not add atm sorry feel little bit shy haha
Thanks yall for the interest tho
btw i felt mood changing too much
every 2,3 days i am motivated and i am ready to kill the other 3 days i feel not in shape probably because of the HEAT its too hot here atm 35 C :/
I am considering to stop the stanzolol on pills i think it shrinks me too much
I train with pretty low/mid weights i dont weight too much because i have ingunial operation hernia :/ i am scared to train with high kg i have soo much power but i am trying to resist to that
I think my protein and fat is really low too i will probably do have to eat more of it.
My cardio is like everyday 30+ minutes on the bike or treadmill maximum incline low intensity.
Current weight 84 kg ( i was 80kg when i started to cut)
My cycle is
500mg test (omnadren)
400 mg tren e
In week 3 i started 30mg of stanozolol (pills) everyday.
Vitamins/Minerals and all stuff i need to protect and try to minimaze the damage for my body.
My Diet is fasting but since i cant fast because i am not feeling okay to fast on trenbolone(i even started a thread about it) i started to breakfast so thats my diet.
08:00 Breakfast oat meal + whey proteine with water(the proteine is for the taste)
13:00 10 eggs (5 full eggs and another 5 only egg whites) + salad thats my lunch
I am trying to not eat much before my training because i work 9am-17pm
My training is 20 minutes after my work (17:30pm)i drink my preworkout (C4 ripped) and going to workout
After my training i drink whey + bcaa shake
19/20:00 i eat like 600-1000gr meat (fish or chicken btbh this week i tried beef) with potatoes or rice. after like 20 minutes i eat 5-10 eggs . Then trying to do atleast 12h fast
Potatoes or the rice are boiled. Meat is on grill.
So now the hard part for me ... the Training stuff i
Everday when i wake up i take cold showers , making like 40 pushups then going to work.
Monday Chest and cardio
5x12 Bench Press
5x12 Dumbell Incline Bench Press
5x12 Machine Chest press
5x15 Chest fly with cables
3x40 dips
Then i do 40 mins cardio
5x12 Biceps Curls
5x12 hammer curls
5x12 Preacher
5x12 NOrmal barbel
5x12 Contencrated curl
Wednesday triceps daay
5x14 EZ-bar skullcrusher
5x14 Close-grip bench press
5x15 cable overhead triceps extension
5x12 Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension
5x15 cable normal extension for triceps
40 mins of cardio
Thursday back time
5x15 deadlift (low kilos i got operation so i am kinda scared to lift heavy there)
5x12 Bent-Over Row
5x15 Pull-Ups (if i can i am doing more)
5x12 Seated Row
5x 15Lat Pull-Down
40 mins of cardio
Friday leg day
10x12 squats
5x12Dumbbell Walking Lunge
5x12Leg Extensions
5x12 Lying Leg Curls
40 mins of cardio
Saturday Abs and cardio session on empty stomach
5x15 abs exercies for upper belly
5x15 abs exercies for mid belly
5x15 ab exercies for lower belly
(5x12 example meaning 5 sets with 12 reps)
1 hour of cardio
Sunday I am resting of i feel crazy i am going again cardio only on empty stomach)
I think my problem is i train too much and not eating that much but the gym for me is not only going to look big better and stuff i just need to train everday .. my brain works better after i workout i feel really good ..
Thats why i dont do a splits BUT probably before few days i decide to try splits like
Monday - push exercices CARDIO
Tuesday- Pull exercies CARDIO
Thursday- Push exerciesCARDIO
Friday- Pull Exercides CARDIO
Saturday CARDIO on tempcy stomach
Sunday - Rest
Before steroids , on steroids , after the steroids .. i just love to train ... i feel awesome when i am trying thats why i dont rest much (i know that fucking dumb)
But i am taking EVERY critic or every suggestion to look and be better.
UPDATE 14/07/2023
I TRIED PUSH/PULL/KEGS thats definetly not my thing

I felt in a trap and i eat baklava ... its my first sugar thing in like 6 months but what can i say ...

My weight is going up but i feel more and more lean.
I just felt the trenbolone effect i breath really heavy when i do cardio but i dont feel exhausted i just breath heavy which is cool because that mean my trenbolone is real LOL

I saw you wanted my picture i will probably not add atm sorry feel little bit shy haha
Thanks yall for the interest tho
btw i felt mood changing too much

I am considering to stop the stanzolol on pills i think it shrinks me too much

I train with pretty low/mid weights i dont weight too much because i have ingunial operation hernia :/ i am scared to train with high kg i have soo much power but i am trying to resist to that

I think my protein and fat is really low too i will probably do have to eat more of it.
My cardio is like everyday 30+ minutes on the bike or treadmill maximum incline low intensity.