Hi guys,
In december i finished my 10 week test-e bulking cycle which was good, kept all my gains untill now and want to start cutting in april. Not looking for an injectable because of longer and harder pct. I was thinking about combining andarine with winstrol. Is this a good idea or not? If not, why and what would you guys reccomend? I have done two ostarine cycles before (1 year ago and the first one 2 years ago) but wasnt really glad with the results from the second one.. I would throw in some gw501516 with it too! Thoughts are welcome, typing from my phone so cant post my eating schedule and training scheme atm but will do later on! Thanks in advance
In december i finished my 10 week test-e bulking cycle which was good, kept all my gains untill now and want to start cutting in april. Not looking for an injectable because of longer and harder pct. I was thinking about combining andarine with winstrol. Is this a good idea or not? If not, why and what would you guys reccomend? I have done two ostarine cycles before (1 year ago and the first one 2 years ago) but wasnt really glad with the results from the second one.. I would throw in some gw501516 with it too! Thoughts are welcome, typing from my phone so cant post my eating schedule and training scheme atm but will do later on! Thanks in advance