Rotator cuff warm up and face pulls
Behind the neck presses Smith machine
75 lbs x 12 x 5 sets (short rest, deep stretch being primary focus)
Smith machine seated military
135 x 12 ish x 4 sets (short rest)
Side db seates laterals
15 lbs x 10 x 2 sets
10 lbs x 20 x 2 sets
Low pully side laterals
10 lbs x 15ish x 4 sets each arm no rest
Side lateral static hold
35 lbs x failure x 4 sets
DB Shrugs
85 lbs x 4 sets x failure
Incline Barbell bench
135 x 12 x 4 sets (deep stretch bar touching under chin)
BW dips forward lean
4 sets x 20ish (shoulder feels the best its felt yet)
2 sets window washers
4 sets decline crunches
45 min Incline walk