I'm currently on an LGD-4033/MK-677 (Nutrobal) cycle. I tossed in YK-11 on my 2nd week after hearing promising reviews. I want to start by saying that the MK-677 results were minimal for me. I can't justify the price at this point, so I probably won't use again. The LGD did give me mediocre strength and size gains with no side effects. I wish I could say the same about the YK-11 results. My blood pressure went from normal ranges to 158/78 along with bad headaches and nausea. I tossed the bottle and immediately stopped use - headaches went away and blood pressure returned to normal range. Anyway, that's the way my body reacted. I wanted to share with others since it was a bit discouraging to spend $$ on something that adversely affected my health. I'm not saying this will be the case for everyone, but just be careful.