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Shred with Anavar and Primobolan? Para Pharma part #2

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Welcome to another great episode of Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0. In this episode #48, Steve and Mobster discuss strategies to shred with Anavar and Primobolan, with the help of Para Pharma part #2.  The guys will first go over why they love Para Pharma, then discuss some of the different strategies for shredding.  They then go over both Anavar and Primobolan and teach you how to most effectively use both for shredding down!  They also discuss numerous tips and tricks to shredding on these steroids that you won't hear anywhere else.

Why we love Para Pharma

Mobster says he loves Para Pharma because their products test back at 98-99% pure when independently tested. This makes him happy because he knows when he uses this brand he is getting exactly what he ordered and can depend on and trust the product.  Mobster has been using Para Pharma a lot over the past year.

Steve also says he has used them recently, and he says that Para Pharma has been around for many years with a lot of good reviews online.  This is why you see them being sold on many of the top source websites because they know that their customers are going to be very happy with their purchase.  He says that the customer retention rate for Para Pharma is close to 99% meaning their customers will come back over and over again which is a very strong sign of a great brand.

The guys say that poor brands will get exposed very quickly, thanks to rapid bloodwork, and the ability to independently test anything you want.  We have seen Para Pharma get stronger in this environment.

Shredding basics for both amateurs and pros

Steve says that getting shredded is getting more and more difficult because of all the garbage that is allowed to be put in our food. Steve says that we consume more refined sugar in 1 day now than our ancestors consumed in their lifetimes.  That is a crazy but true statistic and scary.  Refined sugar is an absolute magnet to disease and  to obesity and storing body fat.   The problem is it's hard to avoid consuming it, unless you are extremely strict with your diet, and avoid a lot of socially accepted foods like bread, buns, cake, ice cream, candy, and even things like sports drinks and yogurt which are falsely marketed as healthy.

So you must view getting shredded as also about watching what you put in your mouth as well. Steve says he believes in getting shredded the cleanest way possible, which is using concepts like cardio, fasting, strict dieting, and sleep to achieve your goals.  Anabolic steroids allow us to use these tools to our advantage to prevent muscle wasting and allow us to recomp.

Mobster makes a point, that anabolic steroids that you buy from Para Pharma are a wonderful tool to help you sculpt your body, and help you shred it down.


Anavar information and how to use

Mobster says Anavar is one of his favorite steroids of all time and thinks it's very underrated. Para Pharma has both Anavar in 10mgs tabs and 50mgs tabs and it is affordable and legit.  He recommends if you run it solo you run 40-50mgs a day.

Steve loves Anavar too but says he likes to run it anywhere from 30-60mgs as a male, with females using somewhere between 5-10mgs a day.

Anavar is a DHT derivative, so it cannot aromatize into estrogen so you won't have to worry about using any sort of anti-estrogen while on it.  You can also stack Anavar with a bunch of other steroids, which the guys discuss later in the podcast.


Primo information and how to use

Primobolan was very popular during the golden age of bodybuilding with Arnold said to have used 100mgs per day.  They loved Primo because it was also a DHT derivative, so it did not cause any sort of water retention or bloat, and they could use it even in a deficit to build quality muscle.  In those days, you would have to buy them in amps and crack them open, which was a bit of a pain to do.  With Para Pharma it's much easier, not only do they have vials with 10ML's, but they also provide both 100mg/ml or 200mgs/ml options.  This helps cut down on injections.

The guys both like Primo at anywhere between 300-600mgs a week.



Anavar and Primo dosing is very easy when stacking, just keep the doses close to where you would run them solo.

Some of the top recommendations the guys make for stacking:

Para Pharma Tren Ace or E 200-300mgs per week.  Can boost shredding quickly.

Para Pharma Tbol 20-40mgs per day.  Good for bodybuilding.

Para Pharma Winstrol 25-50mgs per day. Great for additional vascularity and drying out.

Para Pharma Boldo (Equipoise) 300-600mgs a week. Great for endurance and cardio.

Para Pharma Testosterone 100-200mgs per week. Great for giving the cycle an androgenic kick.

Final tips

The guys finish off the show with some final tips and tricks.  Steve talks about how being uncomfortable is important to make your body stronger.  Whether it's running a triathlon or in the weight room, it's important to push through the pain and burn.  When it comes to shredding it can be very uncomfortable avoiding temptations where you want to go to the fridge and get ice cream. You must ignore that ghrelin and not fall for that, or you won't be able to break a barrier of fat loss.  This is why most people spin their wheels when it comes to shredding down.

Mobster tells a quick story about how he sometimes feels tired after a workout and doesn't want to do cardio post-workout.  He accepts the suck and the uncomfortable feeling and just does those extra steps and cardio anyway.  Otherwise, your body has no reason to shred up.


Forums on our forums? read on:

47 years old took 5 years off from the gym and steroids and getting back I’m interested in using anavar Read More.........

What’s everyone’s go to for anavar? My current stuff I really don’t feel anything on and been taking for a week and a half Read More.........

Hypothetical question, or for those who have personal experience Read More........

I am gonna do a simple primo + test stack Primobolan 400mgs a week Read More..........

Looking to get a discussion going on the differences between using Primo and masteron. Read More.....



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Written by
Lev Butlerov holds a Masters Degree in Biology, he is NASM Certified, ISSA Certified, The National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) certified and is currently working on his American Council on Exercise (ACE) certificate. From Lev: I love bodybuilding and the biology, chemistry of the industry. It's my hobby and my love. I have done multiple bodybuilding shows, 2 in Germany in the past 5 years. I hope everyone enjoys my articles. In 2021 (going into 2022, 2023) I will be working on my PhD thesis in physiotherapy and biochemistry, I hope to have some of the bits published here.

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