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Getting Big for Winter with Para Pharma

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Welcome to another Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 episode.  In this episode #40, Steve and Mobster talk about getting big for winter with Para Pharma.  They discuss several topics including why winter is the perfect time of the year to get bigger and put on slobs of mass.  They also discuss the specific Para Pharma steroids that they have used and recommend for building true size.  Finally, they get into some tips and tricks to help you put on a nice bulk during winter.

Para Pharma quality

Mobster starts this podcast by saying he has used their products, and loves their products. He has logged on the forums, so he knows what they do for him. The thing he loves about them is that random members have sent their products out for testing without the company's knowledge, and testing has confirmed they are exactly what they claim to be.

Steve says that if you buy gear from some random source online or from your buddy at the gym then good luck gambling on if what you are getting is real or not.  He said that there is so much poor gear out there that is underdosed, overdosed, or entirely bunk.  Even gear that you will use that can put you into the emergency room for infections and sickness.

When you buy from Para Pharma you know that it is going to be what is on the label.  This way you don't spend your cycle worrying if your stuff is good or not.  There are no games or mislabelling like other brands will pull off.

Getting big for winter

Studies have shown that it is easier for the body to bulk up during the winter.  It isn't just the fact that we exercise less and eat more, it is also an evolutionary trait that humans have been dealt with due to our history of surviving the harsh winters over the course of time.

This is also the reason that the big-time bodybuilding competitions will take place during the late summer (such as Mr. Olympia).  This is when bodybuilders are most lean, while the winter is their offseason where they spend most of it eating and wearing thicker clothes to hide their physiques.


Favorite steroids for size

The guys lay out their favorite orals, injectables, and stacks. Here is the breakdown and how much of each they like.

Steve:  Para Pharma Anadrol solo 50mgs/day for 4-6 weeks.

Para Pharma Anadrol with Para Pharma Equipoise 300-600mgs for up to 12 weeks.

Para Pharma Anadrol with Para Pharma Equipoise and Para Pharma Deca 200-400mgs up to 12 weeks.

Mobster: Para Pharma Dbol solo, 20-50mgs a day for 6 weeks. He says he puts on a pound a day on this.

Para Pharma Deca and Para Pharma Sustanon would be perfect for a nice injectable bulk and he likes 800mgs total. With Para Pharma Dbol at the start as an option.

Steve: Para Pharma Tren is a great nutrient partitioner.  It is extremely anabolic and androgenic and acts similar to insulin in the body helping you better take advantage of carbs and protein.  A dose of 200mgs up to 500mgs or more works great.

Para Pharma Tren with Para Pharma Testosterone works great and you can drop the tren dose a bit and increase the Testosterone when stacked.

Para Pharma Tren with Para Pharma Equipoise is also a great stack for size. You can do 250mgs Tren + 500mgs EQ.

Para Pharma Tren with Para Pharma Deca is the ultimate bulker if you want to eat big, sleep big, and lift big to get huge.

Also, Mobster mentions that Para Pharma has a Tren and Testosterone blend called "Tren Mix" where they do the work for you.  Mobster would run 2-3ML a week which is a tad below a gram a week total.

Mobster also mentions Para Pharma Test 400, which will cut down on the amount of injections if you want to do a longer cycle all during the winter and be bulking.

Steve and Mobster then go over the synergistic effects of using HGH. Para Pharma has Paratropin 100iu's kit, which is affordable and legit.  Will cost you less than a car payment and it will add another dimension to your cycle to take you to another level.

Steve mentions that Para Pharma has ancillaries too.  Nolvadex with anadrol helps with estrogen binding. They have aromatase inhibitors including Aromasin, Arimidex, and letro which should be stacked with Testosterone and Dianabol in most situations. They also have PCT products clomid and Nolvadex, and hcg too if you want to use that.

Training and diet for getting bigger


Mobster starts with training, he thinks it makes less sense to do isolation lifting during winter when you are wearing a sweater to the gym. He says to do the compound lifts and not worry about hitting the peaks of muscles while standing in front of the mirror since you are dressed up anyway.  He says it's important to aim to improve your muscle size and strength. Once your strength goes up it will force growth with muscles and help with your bulking. Plus you are taking advantage of these great bulking steroids that make you super strong in a short amount of time.

In terms of diet, Mobster loves nutrient-dense foods like potatoes, red meat/beef, and dark green vegetables.  If you have a protein shake, for example, add in a banana to give it more punch.  When it comes to eating meat don't trim out the fat.

Steve talks about mistakes guys make while bulking where they kill their appetite without realizing it foolishly.  He blames smoothies, protein powders, and stupid ideas like drinking chocolate milk. All of these make your stomach repel nutrition instead of absorbing it.  Stick to actual whole food options that feed your body with nutrition, and not foods that only upset your stomach.  Stay away from processed junk that your body doesn't want and doesn't need.


Forums on our forums? read on:

Hey guys. I was just wanting to dedicate a question for the best brands to use for domestic supply test propionate and anadrol. Can you Read More........

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34 years old 5 ft 6 in 68 kg I have been weight training for about 6 to 7 years and I have used steroids twice his is going to be my next cycle equipoise and dianabol Read More..........

How much does DBOL convert to testosterone/ estrogen? Don't want to run into estrogen problems so I'm thinking lower the trt dose Read More...........

How’s it going all just looking for a bit more info on what everyones first time on tren looks like, while it’ll be my first time getting on tren Read More..........


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Lev Butlerov holds a Masters Degree in Biology, he is NASM Certified, ISSA Certified, The National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) certified and is currently working on his American Council on Exercise (ACE) certificate. From Lev: I love bodybuilding and the biology, chemistry of the industry. It's my hobby and my love. I have done multiple bodybuilding shows, 2 in Germany in the past 5 years. I hope everyone enjoys my articles. In 2021 (going into 2022, 2023) I will be working on my PhD thesis in physiotherapy and biochemistry, I hope to have some of the bits published here.

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