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HGH and Peptides with Para Pharma Part 1

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Welcome to another exciting Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 podcast. In this episode #53, Steve and Mobster discuss HGH and Peptides with Para Pharma part 1.  This is the podcast to learn about Para Pharma, and why it has rapidly gained popularity over the past 13 years and continues to grow their customer base.   They also go over what HGH is and what separates it from anabolic steroids.  You will also learn about natural ways to boost HGH in the body, how to reconstitute Para Pharma HGH, and why getting high-quality products is so important.

Para Pharma

Mobster says he has been using Para Pharma for over 2 years, and he loves their products, it has led to him being the strongest he has been in his life even as he pushes 60 years old.  One of the things he loves about Para Pharma is They provide certificates of analysis on their products. This is very important because it proves that their products have been recently tested, so that you know exactly what you're using, and you know that the dosages are correct.

Steve says that if you get growth hormone from an underground lab there is a good chance it's going to be underdosed or could be something else entirely.   The issue is it's very expensive to go get blood work done when you're testing for growth hormone potency, and sources know that, so they will try and cheat you as much as they can. Para Pharma products don't just have certificates of analysis, but they also have had anonymous Forum members, who have sent their products off to be tested at a university setting which is quite expensive. Every single product that has been sent out has been proven to be the correct dosage and what they say it is.

The bottom line is, when you buy Para Pharma HGH or any other product from them, you are getting high quality you can trust.

What is HGH

HGH stands for Human Growth Hormone and it is a peptide hormone that stimulates growth on a cellular level.  It is synthesized and cells from amino acids and it is a protein that has endocrine functions in humans/animals.

The interesting thing about growth hormone is that it stimulates cell reproduction and cell regeneration.  This is one of the reasons why it is so popular in the fitness world.


HGH vs. steroids

Growth hormone aids in growth in the body thanks to mitogen. Mitogen is a substance that encourages cells to not only grow but to divide and grow.  This is very different than anabolic steroids, which can only help lower some barriers, to help you grow bigger muscles and strength.   Due to this, growth hormones can directly help your muscle cells get bigger.

Mobster explains that this is why even though professional bodybuilders of the 70s and 80s were using anabolic steroids, they still could not come close to the mass monsters that started coming around in the 90s, once bodybuilders got a hold of HGH in large amounts.


Boosting natural levels

Steve explains that growth hormone is something that is in our bodies when we are younger at higher amounts and it starts dropping off as we age.   This is why it becomes harder to recover and aging starts to accelerate.

Growth hormone, just like testosterone levels, started to drop once we started to stress more. It’s not just mental stress but also the effects of contamination in our food supply, water and environment.

Mobster and Steve agree that many of the issues are beyond your control, but it is important to remember you can control what you can control, so make an effort.

Some easy ways to boost growth hormone naturally are following a healthy organic whole-food diet, exercising, stress-less, and make sure you don't keep chemicals in your home.

Steve also says that fasting will boost growth hormones.  When you fast, growth hormone starts to rise linearly until you eat, and then it drops straight down.  So do more fasting and you will get more growth hormone pulses.


Paratropin 100 kit

Steve explains that your ParaTropin will arrive as a kit with 10 vials that are 10Iu's each. The guys recommend you store the kits in the fridge so that it increases the half-life, however, if you store them at room temperature that will be okay too, but Steve says the fridge is better.  Once reconstituted, you must store it in the fridge or the product will lose potency quickly.

A lot of people overcomplicate the reconstituting process but Steve says it's easier than it seems. You will want to use Bac water or sterile water.  You will want to carefully add the water where it drips into the HGH vial slowly.  Mobster says you should never shake the vial, instead gently swirl it so that the water mixes with the powder.

When it comes to how to know how much to draw, Steve says the simplest method is to understand that after reconstituting half of 10Iu's is 5IU's, 1/4 of 10IU's is 2.5IU's, 1/10th of 10IU's is 1IU and so on.  You should be using slin pins which have markers on them so you will know how much you are drawing.

Watching out for fakes

In this segment, Steve and Mobster warn you that trying to buy cheap HGH that is low quality will cost you money in the long run.  Steve points out that there was a period during the 2000s, and most of the 2010s, when getting legitimate growth hormones was almost impossible.  Brands were sourcing very poor quality products, that were so underdosed, that people were having to run 2-4 times the dosage just to see any effects.  Steve points out that he knows many people who attempt to use 4IU's of high-quality ParaTropin, and end up feeling side effects like carpal tunnel syndrome.  This isn't a fun side effect, but it proves how potent this growth hormone is, and Steve says if it’s quality growth hormone that you will feel some side effects if you go over 2-3Iu's per day.



Forums on our forums? read on:

I’m looking to try HGH for the first time my age is mid 30’s. Dealt with some injuries Read More.......

Hi guys, first time using HGH for bodybuilding and fat loss. What is the best dosing and timing protocol to start Read More.......

I’m looking to try hgh for real. I’ve used it before but only for a month or two and ran a couple kits. I want to run it this time for a few months Read More........

looking for several ideas to help with using sarms and peptides. First off I need source that Has quality because a friend of mine Read More.......

I’m a bit weary of trying the generic blue top HGH that’s going around after Jordan Oakley pretty much said it’s all shit/fake. Does anyone have good experiences with Read More.......


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Lev Butlerov holds a Masters Degree in Biology, he is NASM Certified, ISSA Certified, The National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) certified and is currently working on his American Council on Exercise (ACE) certificate. From Lev: I love bodybuilding and the biology, chemistry of the industry. It's my hobby and my love. I have done multiple bodybuilding shows, 2 in Germany in the past 5 years. I hope everyone enjoys my articles. In 2021 (going into 2022, 2023) I will be working on my PhD thesis in physiotherapy and biochemistry, I hope to have some of the bits published here.

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