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HGH and Peptides with Para Pharma Part 2

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Welcome to another episode of Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0. In this episode #54, Steve and Mobster discuss HGH and peptides with Para Pharma part 2.

In Part 1- Episode #53, the guys went over several fun topics including:

Why is Para Pharma HGH so well-reviewed?

What is HGH?

Why is HGH not like anabolic steroids?

How to boost HGH naturally?

How to reconstitute HGH?

How to avoid fakes?

In Part 2, the guys make things even more fun by discussing the benefits of HGH, the honest side effects you may encounter, different cycle ideas for both average Joe's and professionals, and they will discuss another peptide called HCG.

Benefits to HGH

There is a long list of benefits to using Para Pharma HGH, which is hard to replicate, with any other PED out there. The guys go over several different benefits and explain why they like each one.

Faster recovery- Mobster says recovery doesn't get any easier as he gets older, so this is an important one that allows you to be ready to go the next day after a brutal workout.

Improved cholesterol levels- This is a problem especially as we age and use anabolic steroids.

Increased endurance and performance in the gym- Being able to have good performance while we train will help us push more.

Higher energy levels and Increased libido- Both of these can be described as feeling young again.

Improvements in the immune system- With all the superbugs going around it's important to keep a strong immune system.

Improvements in skin - Skin issues get worse as we age and when using steroids too.

Increased metabolism and increased fat loss- These are tied together and are one of the favorite benefits of using HGH.

Deeper sleep- It isn't so much you will be able to sleep more, but the sleep you do get is harder so you wake up feeling refreshed.

Side effects

Steve makes clear none of these side effects should be an issue if you are dosing HGH correctly. It is those who use too much who end up feeling these effects.

Hypoglycemia and annoying appetite- This can get very annoying and affect your lifestyle.

Achy feeling when waking (pains in joints)- This one is rare, but possible when using a lot.

Water retention- This can happen initially when using too much.

Carpal tunnel (painful wrists)- Even using slightly too much can cause this to occur.

Sleepiness (having to take naps during the day)

Growth gut and cancer- Both of these are controversial side effects that are debated both ways.  In both situations, HGH abuse is one of the possible factors.


HGH average Joe use

HGH solo use:  Steve says that HGH can be used solo if that is an option you are looking for. You can start with a dose of 1-3IU's per day and adjust as needed.  Most users will run HGH atleast 3-6 months. If you want to use it long term that is also an option some choose to do when working with a doctor.

HGH stack ideas:

Endurance stack: ParaTropin HGH 1-2IU's/day+ Para Pharma Boldo 300mgs/week (equipoise)+ Para Pharma Turinabol 20mgs/day: If you are active with bicycling, running, swimming, sports, or just want an edge in the gym.

Para Pharma Test E 250mgs/week + Para Pharma Masteron 400mgs/week HGH 2-2.5IU's /day:  Mobster likes this stack for both strength and bodybuilding.

Anti-aging stack, 125mgs/week para pharma testosterone cyp + 1.5Iu's hgh per day:  This is a great option if you want to feel like you are 20 years old again.

Fat loss stack:  1-2IU's hgh/day + Para Pharma Primo 300-500mgs/week + Para Pharma Anavar 50mgs a day:  This is one of the best fat loss stacks out there which you should combine with fasted cardio.


HGH pro use

One of our forum vets is a professional bodybuilder who acquired his pro card 3 years ago and now competes on the professional circuit.  Mobster and Steve say this is his cycle going into a competition, trying to compete at the highest level.  Do NOT try this at home, but this is an example of how much stuff that professionals are stacking with HGH, and how much HGH they are using.   As you will see HGH is an important factor with a professional cycle because it allows the user to grow a massive physique.

Test E 2100mg/week

Tren 1400mg/week

Masteron 1400mg/week

Winstrol oral 100mg day

Superdrol 30mg/day

T4 100mcg day

T3 12.5mcg day

Clenbuterol 120mcg day

Proviron 50mg/day

Aromasin 25mg/ day

Raloxifene 60mg/ day

Dostinex .25mg 2x week

HGH 10ius before bed and 10ius fasted morning

IGF 200ius pre-workout

Humalog insulin

So overall he is using 20IU's total of HGH per day.  This is 10-20X more than what an average Joe is using.   Once again, this is a very advanced stack for professionals only!


Contradicting advice and misinformation on HGH we have seen

Mobster rants on how the media makes HGH look bad.  It is due to clicks but also ignorance. Two examples he gives:

First is when they report that teenagers are using growth hormone supplements and having side effects. The problem is there is no such thing as growth hormone supplements.  The guys suspect these are supplements laced by pro hormones and even clenbuterol.

Another problem is when they report people dying young from growth hormone, when they were doing many other risky things.


HCG, what it is and what it does

Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) is a peptide hormone that is produced by pregnant females to help control and balance their hormones. For men, it will help mimic LH (Luteinizing Hormone).  This is why you will notice your balls plump up on it, and you can also experience a rise in mood and libido.

How to use it

Para Pharma HCG comes in 5000IU's and you will need to reconstitute it and treat it the same as you would HGH. A common dosage is somewhere between 1000IU's- 2500IU's 2-3X per week.

Side effects

Steve says the 2 side effects to worry about with HCG are suppression (when used during PCT) and also a rise in estrogen and progesterone.


Forums on our forums? read on:

has anyone ever tried human growth hormone and testosterone stacked together. I went to an anti-aging clinic and they wanted to put me on this it would cost me Read More.........

decided to try human growth hormone for the first time I've used peptides before but didn't really get enough out of them to justify the nurturing of taking them and Read More..........

How would you incorporate human growth hormone or peptides with a steroid cycle?do you think that it is worth a shot to boost fat loss or a waste of Read More........

looking for several ideas to help with using sarms and peptides. First off I need source that Has quality because Read More.........

Can a bro help me out with HGH. Are the Blue Tops any Read More........


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Lev Butlerov holds a Masters Degree in Biology, he is NASM Certified, ISSA Certified, The National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) certified and is currently working on his American Council on Exercise (ACE) certificate. From Lev: I love bodybuilding and the biology, chemistry of the industry. It's my hobby and my love. I have done multiple bodybuilding shows, 2 in Germany in the past 5 years. I hope everyone enjoys my articles. In 2021 (going into 2022, 2023) I will be working on my PhD thesis in physiotherapy and biochemistry, I hope to have some of the bits published here.

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