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Welcome Evolutionary Underground #43-How to truly conquer your bad addictions forever? By Geneza Pharma. In this episode, Steve and Mobster discuss their personal stories with addictions, different addictions and why they make us feel good, quitting addictions for good, how to occupy time, and taking advantage of Geneza Pharma products.
Steve and Mobster's personal stories
Mobster starts this segment by talking about his personal experiences with addictions and how they have harmed his family over the years. Steve then talks about how he has dealt with addictions in his past where he didn't even realize he was addicted in the first place. Podcast #401 – Five lifestyle topics for all athletes and meatheads #evolutionaryorg #steroid #fivelifestyle, #topicsforall #athletesandmeatheads
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) July 1, 2021
Why does bad stuff feel so good?
Steve and Mobster go through some of the top addictions that people are facing not just in their countries, but all over the world and the harmful effects of each.
rec drugs
Video games
Eating 'bad stuff'
Social media
Sugar and junk food
Steve says the reason these bad things feel so good is because the world we live in today is so accessible and easy. Our ancestors didn't have animal farms that trapped food in an enclosure to raise, or huge corporate farms that grew tons of food. If we wanted something to eat we had to scavenge for it and earn it. If we wished for that sweet taste of honey we had to climb a tree and get stung by a thousand bees to earn it. If we wanted sex we had to hike miles and court a woman and have her tribe okay with us taking her away. We have an abundance of these things that can be had via a smartphone. That natural balance is gone between wanting something and its availability. Gratifying our desires 24/7, anytime we want isn't how we are wired, so now we must SELF-regulate our dopamine effects. We are now seeing a rapid trend, especially among teenagers, and 20 somethings where it isn't about intelligence that will determine your success in life, it is the ability to self-regulate yourself. Steve says this is why he sees a trend, especially among males in America, who are completely lost and are walking zombies addicted to a combination of social media, pot, porn, gambling, caffeine, or rec drugs.
There is no such thing as forever with quitting addictions.
Steve says one of the things that addicts do wrong is they set a goal to be sober for a year or sober forever from their addiction. This can't be your mode of thinking, you have to focus on being sober TODAY. Don't worry about your history, money wasted in your past, or that time you got drunk and punched a guy at the bar, you have to worry about NOW and only TODAY. Those thoughts are not helpful because they are negative emotions that will drive you to go back to the addiction again. A simple strategy is to 'procrastinate on it' when you get the urge, just say you will do it tomorrow. Then the next day comes and you push it to the next day again. As this happens you won't need it as much and un-wire yourself to the point where you just don't even think about it or care.
Boredom and habits
Many addictions are derived simply from people being bored and having habitual things they do. An example is a person who works from home has an hour break from work and gets bored. So they watch porn or surf Facebook for an hour out of boredom, then you end up addicted to porn and social media. Another example is after work going with the guys to the bar to grab some drinks, which becomes a daily habit and pretty soon you are drinking alcohol every day.
If you are trying to quit an addiction derived from either then have your day packed. Spend that 1 hour going to the gym or going for a jog vs. watching porn or going to the bar. Before bed do some stretching and meditation vs. filling in gaps with addictions.
Another strategy with certain addictions is be disciplined. It might not be realistic to completely quit an addiction entirely because the build up to go back to it will be too great, and when you do go back you set yourself backwards. Steve says a simple strategy for this is limit your addiction to 1 hour a week, or one time a week. An example is say you can only use social media 2 hours a week on just a Friday night after work, or you can only look at porn for 30 minutes 2x a week, or you can only have a cheat meal once a week on a sunday afternoon. By doing this you will still beat your addiction 5 or 6 days out of the week and over time you will wire your brain to need less and less of it.
Replace your addictions with positives.
Take negative addictions and replace them with positive addictions. This strategy works amazingly well. The gym grind is addictive and so is watching yourself improve physically and mentally. If you talk to a lot of gym rats or fitness athletes who are older many have similar stories of how they were addicts when they were younger and were able to turn it into a fitness addiction. This is where using Geneza Pharma gear benefits you since it allows you to have better results. Keeping yourself muscular and in great shape is a great way to use your addictive personality to your advantage and better yourself.
Why Geneza Pharma is the best
Every time you feel an urge for any sort of addiction turn to exercise! Go for a walk, do some stretching or meditation, jump on the treadmill, or go to the gym. The desire will pass and you will feel so much better.
Geneza Pharma will always be there to provide you with high-quality steroids, ancillaries, and more. This way you keep the desire to keep your head on straight. They also have weekly sales which help you save a lot of money in the process.
Where to buy?
Geneza Pharma can be purchased from is an approved source that has been around for 15 years providing customers with outstanding oral steroids, injectable steroids, ancillaries, PCT products, and more. When you purchase from them you know you are getting authentic Geneza Pharma brand and not fakes.
They provide lightning-quick domestic shipping to American customers, with no need to worry about customs and no need to stress about how long it takes. They ship typically within a few days and you get your package lightning fast. They also offer international shipping as well to many other countries.
They have reps on the forums to further assist with setting up cycles and answer questions you may have. If there is ever an issue they are on call to help with your order and make sure you are taken care of.
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