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How to utilize Testosterone in a cycle by Pharmaqo

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Welcome Evolutionary.org Hardcore 2.0 #139- How to utilize Testosterone in a cycle by Pharmaqo. In this episode, Steve and Mobster discuss why Testosterone is so popular, how and why to use it solo, stacked, and for TRT, different Pharmaqo options, and why Pharmaqo has grown in popularity.

Why Testosterone is so popular

Steve talks about the history of Testosterone and how it has evolved over time. It first started by isolating the actual hormone that we produce from our Leydig cells. Then, they learned to synthesize it and make it in a lab. From there, they started to develop Testosterone derivatives and DHT derivatives, which created a bunch of injectable and oral steroids.

Testosterone is the gold standard, with an anabolic/androgenic ratio of 100:100. You can compare it to other steroids by looking at the 'on paper' ratio numbers. For example, Trenbolone has a 5[00:50]0 ratio, meaning that it is 5x more anabolic and 5x more androgenic than straight Testosterone. On the other hand, other steroids might be [50:50], which would be half as much, and so on.

In the end, many people go back to the original Testosterone and use it as their base in their cycles, because it works to help you gain mass, gain strength, and improve libido and mood.   Steve says that the top 2 selling and popularly used steroids are Test cypionate and Test Enanthate.  Another reason it is so popular is that it is very affordable where it costs less for a vial than it will cost you.

Mobster says there is a deep history behind using male hormones, and Testosterone has been the #1 used option, especially starting in the late 80's and 90s when anti-estrogen drugs started being used.  Before that, it was hard to use Testosterone due to its aromatization which can cause estrogenic side effects like bloating, water retention, high blood pressure, insomnia, and gynecomastia.  Luckily, Pharmaqo provides many options to help with estrogen issues including Aromasin, Adex, Letro, and Nolvadex.

How and why to use it solo

Using Testosterone Solo can help you get a lot of benefits from your gym grind.  A dose of 300-500mgs or more is what is popular.  Steve says that an AI is recommended and you need to gain experience to see how much you need to achieve proper balance. You should not slam your estrogen down, and you should not let your estrogen get out of hand either.

The length of the cycle can vary depending on which ester you are using.  For a shorter ester, you can do 6-10 weeks with no problems.  A longer ester will take longer to reach a peak in your system, so you might want to aim for up to 14 weeks.  You don't want to run any hormones too long or your body may not be able to bounce back properly.

The guys go over the misconception that a cycle like this is 'safe' or it's not gonna be risky. In both cases that is false. These are serious hormones that come with side effects and will affect your reproductive system and organs so it's important to do it the right way.


How and why to use it stacked

Steve says a great reason to include Testosterone in your stack is it is very versatile, and will add a punch and a kick to the cycle.  An example is you can take any other Pharmaqo injectable like Primo, Equipoise, Deca, or Tren and stack them with some Testosterone at a lower dose.  So you can use 500mgs of Primo for example, and then stack in 150-200mgs of Test with it for a very good cycle.  Another example is mixing Tren with Test, because it will help dilute the Tren down in the syringe and help with Tren cough.

You can also use an oral run alongside the Testosterone. Steve says you can start with your Testosterone for 12 weeks at 300-500mgs a week, then use an oral to kickstart or finish the cycle, or do both where you take a break mid-cycle from the oral.

Another option is you simply run an oral mid-cycle or save it towards the end. One good oral option for bulking would be Dianabol.  Some good cutting orals would be proviron, winstrol, anavar, or turinabol.


Using it for TRT

TRT stands for Testosterone replacement therapy and it has rapidly become popular with more and more clinics popping up and becoming mainstream in medicine.  Steve says that ironically, it has become way too easy in America to get on TRT where even 25-year-olds are getting on it.

TRT's purpose is to replace what your body should produce, and it can be a good option for those who get older and are tired of having the Test levels of an 80-year-old man.

A common dose of TRT can range from 80-125mgs a week.  People are doing self-TRT to save money and avoid having to have appointments with doctors.


Different Pharmaqo options and how to use them

Test cyp 200mgs/ml- This is the most commonly used option and it is very versatile for many situations.  You only have to inject it once every week or even once every 2 weeks.

Test E 300mgs/ml- It is similar to Cyp and very popular, You will want to inject it 1-2x per week.

Test Prop 100mgs/ml- This is a shorter ester and some have PIP from using it. You will need to inject at least once every 1-3 days.

Sustanon 250mg/ml- This one was originally designed for TRT, the idea was you inject a large amount of volume infrequently.

Test-AQ 50, Test base 50mgs/ml- This one is great for tested athletes who don't want to get busted or who want to take something pre-workout for a fast spike in hormones.

EQ-TEST 500mg/ml- 300mgs EQ, 200mgs TEST E.  This is a unique blend for those who enjoy moderate bulking.

Tri Test which is Test Cyp, Test E (100mgs/ml each), and Test Deca 200mgs/ml.

Multi Ester Test 400 which is new and contains a blend of esters.

Both of these are great for those who like to run blends which require fewer injections where you can pin once a week or less a higher volume.

Why Pharmaqo has become so popular

Pharmaqo caters to their customers. They have top-notch shipping, service, products, and availability.  Their Testosterone has been tested and it is dosed perfectly no matter what your goals are. This is why professionals and gym rats trust them.


Where to buy?

Pharmaqo can be purchased from Domestic-supply.com.

Domestic-supply.com is an approved source that has been around for 15 years providing customers with outstanding oral steroids, injectable steroids, ancillaries, PCT products, and more.  When you purchase from them you know you are getting authentic Pharmaqo brand and not fakes.

They provide lightning-quick domestic shipping to American customers, with no need to worry about customs and no need to stress about how long it takes.  They ship typically within a few days and you get your package lightning fast.  They also offer international shipping as well to many other countries.

They have reps on the forums to further assist with setting up cycles and answer questions you may have.  If there is ever an issue they are on call to help with your order and make sure you are taken care of.


Forums on our forums? read on:

I think I have low testosterone although I haven’t got blood work yet I’m 26 years old and I just don’t feel much energy and my libido keeps Read More........

This I am 22 years old and I don’t think my testosterone is as high as some of my peers I am in college and I’m part of the fraternity and some of my peers are having sex like 3 or Read More..........

I’m looking to get more testosterone levels hopefully you can help me get there with a testosterone booster Read More.........

my next cycle I want it to be mild and keeping the side effects low I’m 38 years old and I’m 5’10” and I’m 218 lbs and 12% body fat Read More..........

I’m currently in my 50s and my testosterone levels aren’t so low where I have to use trt but they’re low enough where I would like to take a supplement to get them boosted Read More...........



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Lev Butlerov holds a Masters Degree in Biology, he is NASM Certified, ISSA Certified, The National Council on Strength & Fitness (NCSF) certified and is currently working on his American Council on Exercise (ACE) certificate. From Lev: I love bodybuilding and the biology, chemistry of the industry. It's my hobby and my love. I have done multiple bodybuilding shows, 2 in Germany in the past 5 years. I hope everyone enjoys my articles. In 2021 (going into 2022, 2023) I will be working on my PhD thesis in physiotherapy and biochemistry, I hope to have some of the bits published here.

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