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Kai Greene Steroid Cycle

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Kai Greene, full name Kai L. Greene, is a IFBB professional bodybuilder who has taken the bodybuilding world by storm the first time he won the Arnold Classic in 2009, with a follow up victory in 2010.

As a bodybuilder, Kai Greene is an amazing specimen. At 39 y/o, he's 5 foot 8 inches and walks around at 310lbs offseason! That's a big monster. His on-stage weight is equally as impressive, at an easy 275lbs. He's a beast and really shows it when he's dialed in for a bodybuilding show. What makes Kai Greene impressive is that he can go from 0 to 60 in seconds. Basically, he can show up and place 7th in a show today and 3 weeks later show up and take 1st or 2nd place. This is very unusual, but shows he still has a lot of work to do on his pre-contest preparation. I think Kai Greene will be the next Mr. Olympia if IFBB politics don't eat him alive.

Just to give you guys an idea of how massive he is, here is Kai Greene vs. a regular bodybuilder:

As with all professional bodybuilders, there is a question about drug use. There are many speculations about steroid use in the IFBB world, but very few people are actually giving facts. Rich Piana talked about a few steroid cycle for the professionals and a few old-school bodybuilders like Dorian Yates admitted to high amount of steroids used. However, no real facts about IFBB pros steroid use have emerged. Therefore, I'll attempt to recreate the Kai Greene steroid cycle from modern compounds available on the market.

Kai Greene Steroids cycle

Wk Testosterone




Dbol HGH Cardarine


Aromasin N2Guard
1 2000mgs/EW 100mgs/ED 100mgs/ED 15 IUs/
20mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 7caps/ED
2 2000mgs/EW 100mgs/ED 100mgs/ED 15 IUs/
20mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 7caps/ED
3 2000mgs/EW 100mgs/ED 100mgs/ED 15 IUs/
20mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 7caps/ED
4 2000mgs/EW 100mgs/ED 100mgs/ED 15 IUs/
20mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 7caps/ED
5 2000mgs/EW 100mgs/ED 100mgs/ED 15 IUs/
20mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 7caps/ED
6 2000mgs/EW 100mgs/ED 100mgs/ED 15 IUs/
20mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 7caps/ED
7 2000mgs/EW 100mgs/ED 100mgs/ED 15 IUs/
20mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 7caps/ED
8 2000mgs/EW 100mgs/ED 100mgs/ED 15 IUs/
20mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 7caps/ED
9 2000mgs/EW 100mgs/ED 100mgs/ED 15 IUs/
20mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 7caps/ED
10 2000mgs/EW 100mgs/ED 100mgs/ED 15 IUs/
20mgs/ED 50mgs/ED 7caps/ED

*Wk - week

*EW – per week

*ED – per day

*caps – capsules

*mgs – milligrams

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Why are these drugs used during the cycle?

  • Testosterone Cypionate – a heavy testosterone base is used by most professional bodybuilders as a start to a cycle.
  • Trenbolone Acetate – tren is used as a hardener and an agent to really change body composition, works perfectly with cardarine (GW).
  • Dbol – a great oral bulker that works in synergy with anadrol to help you gain mass.
  • HGH – helps to lean out, gain mass and get really thick.
  • Cardarine (GW-501516) – works to combat trenbolone side effects and increase energy, as well as lose bodyfat.
  • Aromasin – used to combat estrogen side effects from aromatizing compounds.
  • N2Guard – used to combat negative side effects of steroid use. Helps with liver problems, kidney problems, heart problems and overall body health. It's the best liver support on the market.

What else can be used on this cycle?

  • Anadrol – the most powerful bulking oral steroid on the market, it's a great mass gainer.
  • S-4 – used for strength gains and speed along with cardarine.


kai greene posing

DISCLAIMER: The cycle above is our opinion on what Kai Greene could have used, this is for information and entertainment purposes only. There is no proof Kai Greene used steroids or any other drugs.

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Albert Wolfgang is a professional medical writer with over 20 years of experience. He hold multiple personal training certifications, including the coveted NASM and AFAA certificates. He graduated with honors with a B.S. and M.S. in biochemistry with a minor in physical studies. Albert and his team have trained over 100 IFBB professional bodybuilders, including Hollywood stars and many up and coming fitness stars.

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