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Chuck Kirkendall is a fitness social media entrepreneur and an actor who goes by the name "Kali Muscle". Even if you don't follow the whole youtube fitness crowd, you may have seen him in a popular Geico commercial where he is in the street being a traffic cop or playing small roles in various shows and movies from 2011 until 2014. At his peak, he is 5'9'' and 250 pounds.
Recently he suffered a heart attack, which adds him to the list of well-known fitness bodybuilders, who have had this happen to them. In this article, we will take a look at his story and talk about the steroid use he has admitted to using.
Early life
Kali Muscle was born in Oakland, California in 1975 and grew up in a very rough neighborhood. His stepfather was abusive and he witnessed a lot of poor role models who were into crime and violence which sent him down a bad path. Even in elementary school, he had to carry a gun due to threats from older kids.
One of the good things in his early life was taking a job at a gym and getting to work out for free. Once he got into high school he was able to run track, wrestle and play football. He was very good at sports and used that gift to land a scholarship at Fresno State. It appeared that Kali would be one of the few who survived that environment to make something of himself. However, when he was in college his brother fell victim to gun violence. This led to his life spiraling out of control and he ended up robbing people which landed him in prison.
Prison life
Kali had to spend 11 years in prison and spent his time lifting weights and gaining a lot of mass. He didn't get to always use gym equipment and sometimes had to resort to figuring out creative ways to stress out his muscles.
In this video he demonstrates how he would make ends meet while in prison. When he was released from prison he decided to try and make it in show business.
New business ventures and social media
His first break was appearing in a Jamey Johnson music video where he showed off his bodybuilding abilities. He also won the Mr. California bodybuilding competition in 2012 which springboarded his popularity on social media.
His Instagram has a million followers where he markets hot sauce, supplements, and apparel.
His main focus though is his mega large following on youtube with 2.5M followers . On this channel is where he gained his popularity by posting up motivation videos, bodybuilding videos, and fitness information. He also wrote a book called 'XCON to ICON.' Hardcore 169 Kali Muscle Steroid Cycle #evolutionaryorg #Steroid #bodybuilding
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) December 7, 2021
Kali believes in training heavy and doing compound lifts. He loves the bench press and squats and he believes these are the base of all weight training.
While in prison he depended on water bottles, bags, and even his fellow inmates to help him lift. Some of the guards did not approve of his workouts and sometimes would punish him. Nevertheless, he worked out anyway and said that he had to be ready for a fight as someone could decide to attack him if they were having a bad day. He spent years around rapists, murderers, and hardened criminals so every day was a battle to stay alive.
Kali talks a lot about eating a lot of food. While in prison tuna out of a can was his healthiest staple food and he depended on that cheap product to give him the necessary protein to build muscle.
However, since he has left prison he has realized how important healthy food is and has tried to eat more healthily. He talks about chicken, salmon, fruits, and vegetables as being important. For carbs, he likes potatoes, beans, and rice. Another thing he believes in is drinking a lot of water. He says that he drinks 1 gallon a day at a minimum. One more odd nutrition fact about him is he doesn't believe in supplements because he thinks food is #1, however, he does like pre-workouts.
Heart attack
In early November of 2021, at only 46 years old, Kali had to go to the hospital after he had a heart attack. In this video taken afterward, he goes over what happened.
He admitted that he ignored the red flags of edema, which is where fluid gets trapped in your feet and ankles. Some of his friends had mentioned it to him but he admits he ignored them.
One day he woke up after a nap and had chest pains but thought it was just a bad case of heartburn. He took some meds and tried to sleep it off but his girlfriend insisted he go to the hospital. The doctors found that his left artery was clogged 100%.
He posted a video from his bed with tubes in his nose and said "I had a heart attack".
He blames years of prison food and eating too much, not listening to his body, and being stubborn for his heart attack.
It appears this ordeal has humbled him and he now says that "health is #1" and that everyone should take care of their health. Hopefully, Kali gets back to the gym grind soon but it will not be easy. Post heart attack is brutal, usually, people have a rougher time post-heart attack than they do prior due to all the medications and feeling horrible. I am glad though that he is a good example of someone who turned his life around, and he needs to stick around longer to help others stay on the right path like him.
Steroid Cycle
Kali admits that he started using steroids while in prison. He researched them and he knew people who could get them for him and used them, but says he realized that he didn't want to take a lot of them. Instead, he claims he ran just a 'reasonable amount of testosterone'. In the end, we know he took a lot of steroids and can speculate on a Kali prison steroid cycle:
- 800mgs a week Trenbolone Acetate
Trenbolone, the most famous steroid for amazing gains, meets Equipoise, the most misunderstood steroid. In this article, we'll be going over the facts on how and why you need to stack Tren and EQ; in addition, we'll cover the fine points of bulking vs. cutting cycles. Read more...
- 1000mgs a week Testosterone Propionate
- 100mgs a day Winstrol
Winstrol or Stanozolol is an anabolic steroid used to get lean and hard, it's mainly used as an oral during cutting cycles to lose body fat. It's as variant of Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), so you can expect similar fat loss benefits as you would with any other DHT derivative steroid. For most users, it's a cheaper alternative to anavar, and, of course, it's more available on the black market. Read more...
- 800mgs a week Deca Durabolin
Nandrolone is one of the best known steroids in the history of bodybuilding. Originally synthesized in 1950s, athletes quickly found there was a good use for this powerful steroid. As far back as the mid 1960’s nandrolone has been used as a great addition to a dianabol and/or testosterone cycle. Read more...
- 150mgs a day Proviron
Post prison:
- 12Iu's per day HGH
- 800mgs a week Testosterone Cypionate
- 1000mgs a week Masteron Enanthate
Masteron was developed in 1959, alongside anadrol, by Syntex Pharmaceuticals, but it did not hit the market until 1970. At first, it was sold under the brand names Masteril and Drostanolonum. Later, when Eli Lilly received a license for the drug, it was sold as Drolban. Read more...
- 600mgs a week Trenbolone
Forums on our forums? read on:
Is it normal to feel strong hunger when you use trenbolone? Since I have started my cycle I get as hungry as I have never been before. Read more...
Guys, this is the deal. I am injecting myself some testosterone (cypionate 500 mgs per week), and now on week 5 I get really hungry, really fast. Read more...
Will there be any difference if I take orally the injectable winstrol, or the effectiveness will be different? If I take the injectable orally – will it stress the liver? Read more..
The two steroids are very different. Deca is one of the bread and butter bulking steroids that will dramatically increase scale weight and strength. Read more..
Proviron will free up more of the testosterone and prevent it from binding to sbhg. So you will have more test available floating around your system. Read more..
- Improvements in body composition, cardiometabolic risk factors and insulin sensitivity with trenbolone in normogonadic rats
- Differences of the effects of testosterone propionate on the production of LH and FSH
- Stanozolol administration combined with exercise leads to decreased telomerase activity possibly associated with liver aging
- The effect of mesterolone on sperm count, on serum follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, plasma testosterone and outcome in idiopathic oligospermic men
- Growth hormone
DISCLAIMER: The following article is for entertainment purposes, Kali Muscle has not publicly admitted to using steroids and HGH as far as we are aware. His cycle is not a fact and it's our views on what he used and what steroids he took. This is for information purposes only.