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Ostarine, also known as MK-2866, is in class of drugs called SARMS, which stands for selective androgen receptor modulators. Ostarine is selective in that it binds only to bone and muscle androgen receptors, which prevents things like prostate issues or hair loss or any of the other nasty side effects anabolic steroids can result in.
This experimental drug was developed in 2009 by the company Gtx in an effort to fight muscle wasting diseases. As with many bodybuilding drugs, osta accidentally turned out to be a fantastic side effect free tool for fitness enthusiasts, bodybuilders and those with nagging injuries they've given up hope of healing.

Fig 1. Ostarine (MK-2866) Chemical Structure
Table of Contents
How it works?
Ostarine binds to your muscles receptors and causes steroid-like muscle growth without side effects. These gains are absolutely “keepable” and maintainable after use is discontinued, as long as workouts stay consistent and diet remains on track.
Ostarine helps nutrient partitioning to a high degree. This effect has helped many achieve the supposed “impossible” feat of losing fat while gaining muscle at the same time. While MK-2866 is significantly anabolic (about half as anabolic as testosterone), it's even better at being anti-catabolic, making it ideal for bridges in between cycles of anabolic steroids. In addition, it's great when you want to jump start your HPTA and keep those hard earned gains, while maybe even adding a few pounds in between cycles.
The versatility and safety of ostarine make it a godsend to fitness enthusiasts everywhere. Whether they are looking for a virtually side effect free alternative to steroids in between cycles, a safe non-toxic advantage in healing injuries, or just a significant edge when cutting down stubborn fat stores, Ostarine is the front-man in the magical world of SARMs.
Healing of Injuries
Mk-2866 has proven to be quite beneficial in healing and perhaps preventing injuries in tendons, bone, and ligaments. Studies have shown, it is better than testosterone at injury prevention. As a result, it has become a favorite of many crossfitters and bodybuilders who sustain injuries during training. Also, it shows potential for use in the treatment of muscle wasting diseases, osteoporosis, and other ailments.
Side Effects
Ostarine is not suppressive to the HPTA in a short 4 week cycle of 25mg a day, but can become suppressive, to a small degree, if use is continued too long or higher doses are used.
Ostarine does not aromatize into estrogen, so no on-cycle ancillaries are needed. In addition, it is not hepatoxic, meaning it doesn't hurt your liver when you use it. Thus, it allows for longer possible cycle durations than the typical oral steroid cycle.
Though Ostarine is minimally suppressive, it is recommended that a “mini PCT” is conducted after a 8-12 week cycle for safe measure. Every body is different, some may encounter slightly more suppression than the majority as there are always exceptions, but, in general, only a mini-pct is needed.
Mini-PCT for 12 Week Ostarine (MK-2866 Cycle)
Week | Clomid | HCGenerate ES | N2Guard |
1 | 25mgs/ED | 5caps/ED | 3caps/ED |
2 | 12.5mgs/ED | 5caps/ED | 3caps/ED |
3 | 5mgs/ED | 3caps/ED | 3caps/ED |
Use on PCT
Since Ostarine isn't suppressive at 25mg in a 4 week cycle, it can be tactfully used in post cycle therapy, as long as dose and duration is controlled. Longer cycles of mk-2866 are common and tend to be around the 8-12 week mark. They still have minimal effect on the HPTA.
Example Ostarine Based PCT (after a Testosterone/Dianabol cycle)
Week | Ostarine
MK-2866 |
GW-501516 |
Clomid | HCGenerate ES | N2Guard |
1 | 25mgs/ED | 20mgs/ED | 100mgs/ED | 5caps/ED | 7caps/ED |
2 | 12.5mgs/ED | 20mgs/ED | 100mgs/ED | 5caps/ED | 7caps/ED |
3 | 12.5mgs/ED | 20mgs/ED | 50mgs/ED | 4caps/ED | 5caps/ED |
4 | 10mgs/ED | 10mgs/ED | 25mgs/ED | 3caps/ED | 5caps/ED |
5 | 5mgs/ED | 10mgs/ED | 25mgs/ED | 2caps/ED | 4caps/ED |
6 | 5mgs/ED | 10mgs/ED | 12.5mgs/ED | 2caps/ED | 4caps/ED |
When dieting, ostarine will help maintain strength and muscle mass on its own, but stacked with other SARMs or PPARs, it is unstoppable in the fat loss and muscle maintenance world. In addition, ostarine has proven to be quite advantageous in the endurance world as well. When added to a cutting cycle with Cardarine (GW-501516), it boosts endurance during strenuous cardiovascular exercise; especially, when done for prolonged periods of time.
8 Week Ostarine (MK-2866) + Cardarine Cycle
Week | Ostarine
MK-2866 |
GW-501516 |
N2Guard |
1 | 25mgs/ED | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED |
2 | 25mgs/ED | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED |
3 | 25mgs/ED | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED |
4 | 25mgs/ED | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED |
5 | 25mgs/ED | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED |
6 | 25mgs/ED | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED |
7 | 25mgs/ED | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED |
8 | 25mgs/ED | 20mgs/ED | 5caps/ED |
Dosages and Half-life
Recommended max dosage of Ostarine is around 25mg once a day for men, and 12.5mg for females. It has a 24 hour half-life.
Lowest recommended aesthetic dose (meaning for physique improvement) for males is 12.5mg. Lower doses will likely produce very little results to be notice in terms or muscle gains, but will help with join health. Women's lowest recommended dose, for those seeking physique improvement, is 5mg a day, and it should be noted that therapeutic doses of as low as 3mg a day have been reported to be beneficial in both genders.
Benefits in bone and tendons have been reported at dosages as low as 12.5 mg per day.
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- Evaluation of ostarine as a selective androgen receptor modulator in a rat model of postmenopausal osteoporosis
- The Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator Ostarine Improves Bone Healing in Ovariectomized Rats