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In this podcast, Steve and Mobster do the very first episode of UG Supplements, where they discuss N2guard liver and organ support. This is going to be a very fun podcast and the guys are going to go over everything N2guard does for you, tell you more about the ingredients, how it helps on and off cycle, and how to run it correctly with both oral and injectable steroids.
Liver, kidney, and heart health
When you take anabolic steroids there are generally 3 organs that take a beating and they are the liver, kidneys, and heart. This can be proven by getting bloodwork done during your cycle. Steve says he has seen some very ugly bloodwork numbers from guys who abused steroids and those people can drastically shorten their lives.
Steve first discusses the liver, and says the 2 most important numbers are AST and ALT. These numbers will get strained when you run anabolic steroids, and N2guard will help balance these numbers, thanks to at least 7 ingredients that help with the liver and keep them from getting out of control on the cycle. It also will help your liver bounce back quicker when they come off steroids too.
When you let your liver numbers go sky high with no supplemental support it will lead to fatigue and make it harder for your body to recover from workouts. This will result in less muscle mass added to your frame and less fat burned.
Kidneys can be checked by getting bloodwork done and seeing your serum creatinine levels. If your kidneys aren't working as they should that number will go up, and that will put even more pressure on that organ which takes away from its other obligations. N2guard helps the kidneys function better and helps cleanse your blood.
When it comes to the heart, Mobster says that anabolic steroids can cause a lot of issues with cholesterol, blood pressure, and elevated heart rate. This will strain your heart health and if you let it get too out of control can increase your chances of a stroke. #348 – Need to Build Muscle (N2BM)- N2Guard, N2Generate
— (@evolutionaryorg) September 27, 2020
N2guard ingredients list
N2guard contains 30 servings and each serving is 7 capsules. It contains the essential vitamins and minerals to feed your body and give it that extra edge. This includes the B vitamins which we all know are important for energy. It also includes Zinc which is mandatory to boost testosterone levels and vitamin A which has been shown to help with our reproductive system. In all, the guys list off around a dozen vitamins and minerals that N2guard has including magnesium, Iodine, calcium, and folate.
Another ingredient that Mobster loves in this formula is taurine, which is a very important supplement that helps control cramping and pumps during your workout. This is especially a great compound to use when you take oral steroids like Winstrol, Anavar, or Dianabol which cause catastrophic pumps and can interfere with your workout and cardio.
Steve touches on one of his favorite ingredients called Coenzyme Q10, which he considers one of the best heart supplements in the world. He likes Apple Pectin, red yeast rice, and garlic fruit extract as well which aid the heart.
Picroliv, Tudca, Milk thistle, dandelion root, turmeric, glutathione, and vitamin C are all ingredients that have been added to the formula to specifically help with the liver and much more. TUDCA is considered the best overall organ support supplement and N2guard has plenty of it.
There are many cancer-fighting supplements as well and Steve also talks about the numerous ingredients that are beneficial for all organs including the brain.
Overall, N2guard contains over 40 ingredients in total! Each one with a specific benefit to help you on the cycle, get the very best support so you can stay healthy and strong. And to top it off it also contains compounds to help you absorb all these ingredients properly so nothing goes to waste
How N2guard helps with oral steroids
Many oral anabolic steroids are 17 alpha alkylated, this helps make the steroid more powerful in our bodies so it doesn't get wasted. The downside of this is now you are going to have a severe liver strain, so it is mandatory to run a strong support supplement like N2guard that will aid the liver during this stressful time.
Steve recommends using the N2guard 90 minutes away from the oral steroids, this way they do not interfere with each other negatively or positively. Next, he says that he has seen guys end up with jaundice (yellowing of their eyes and skin) because they didn't realize how severe of strain oral steroids have on your liver. A third observation Steve makes, is that N2guard has ingredients to help your gut health which can be thrown off from using oral steroids due to the fillers they contain. Finally, Steve makes the point that he has seen people run 2 oral steroids at the same time with and without N2guard, and the bloodwork (liver, kidney, and heart) proved how well N2guard worked.
Steve finishes out this segment by naming the harshest oral steroids on your organs which are halotestin, superdrol, Anadrol, and winstrol. However, the more mild steroids like Anavar, Dianabol, and Turinabol are also liver toxic. With all of these, you want to make sure you are dosing N2guard 7 caps per day minimum. Radio Episode 445 we discuss how to properly use N2BM products. #evolutionaryorg #N2BM #supplements
— Evolutionary Podcast (@EvolutionaryPo) December 25, 2021
How N2guard helps with injectables
Steve starts by making the scientific argument that injectable steroids do strain your liver, which he says if you do not believe him you can run your bloodwork and see. He also says that there is no debate that injectables have a huge effect on other things in the body including the heart, kidneys, immune health, and prostate. N2guard helps with all of the above.
Steve and Mobster make the point that if you ever run a steroid cycle and you start out using N2guard, then run out of it and are too cheap to go buy more, then you will notice over the next couple of weeks a change in a lot of things. Recovery will become worse, sleep will suffer, your blood pressure will go up, and will notice your energy levels drop quickly.
The guys then talk about how they recommend running 7 capsules on an injectable or oral cycle, but if you run a more harsh cycle that includes Trenbolone or more than a gram of gear you may want to run 10 caps a day. Steve finishes out the show saying that he would never dare run any sort of steroid cycle without it.
Forums on our forums? read on:
Hi guys, so this is going to be my first tren cycle and I heard not having the right supplements can end up in bad sides , would you give me a short list of support Read More.......
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Help me I have been using kidney supplements for the past month and my kidney numbers have not really budged at all can you recommend Read More..........
I have high blood pressure problems, started my 1st n2guard bottle about 2 weeks ago and now I have blood pressure that actually is normal or drops Read More.........
I am thinking to start my first cycle soon. I will be taking test cyp, 0.5cc to start off. My question is that should I take dianobol for four weeks with Read More..........
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